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Season Tickets Prices to Rise

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by mackemwelder, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I suppose it had to happen????? read on below, taken from todays Echo.

    By Kevin Clark
    Published on Thu Feb 17 09:46:23 GMT 2011

    THE cost of watching Premier League football at the Stadium of Light is going up.

    The club today announced its new season ticket prices – with increases across the board.
    And it is the Black Cats’ youngest fans who face the steepest rise. The cost of a season ticket for under-16s is up £20 from £49 to £69 – a rise of more than 40 per cent.
    Pensioners will be be hit too, with the cost of an over-65s season ticket rising from £285 to £300, while under-22s’ prices start from £280 next season, compared to £265 at the moment.
    Adult season tickets will cost from £400 for 2011/12, up from a minimum £380.
    Tickets go on sale on Monday, March 7, and fans have until 5pm on Wednesday, April 6, to take advantage of the current prices and guarantee their seat. Anyone opting to renew their ticket or buy a new one before then will again be able to spread the cost over eight months, interest free.
    Martyn McFadden, editor of fanzine A Love Supreme, said he didn’t believe anyone would be put off by the increases.
    He said: “It is a very small rise, really, though I don’t know if they would have been better off not having a rise and making a big thing out of that, in terms of the extra money it is going to bring in. The interest-free credit thing does help a lot of people – I have used it myself.
    “A lot of people will continue to be frustrated at the amount that Premier League footballers are paid, but if we weren’t bringing in exciting players for people to watch, they would be frustrated by that and we would probably be battling the drop – it is damned if you do, damned if you don’t. We want to be battling at the top – it is the price of love really.”
    Chairman Niall Quinn sparked controversy recently when he criticised supporters who choose to watch foreign broadcasts of games in the pub rather than go through the Stadium of Light turnstiles. Today he said he believed the pricing was fair and appealed to fans to back the Black Cats where it counts.
    He said: “I do appreciate that with all the passion and enthusiasm in the world – which our fans certainly have – it still isn’t always an easy decision for supporters to commit financially to a season card.
    “That is why our long-held ethos of welcoming supporters to the Stadium of Light with a realistic pricing structure continues to be uppermost in our minds.
    “I believe we strike a good balance with our prices in terms of making paying to watch their team as affordable and convenient as possible for our fans and bringing in the revenue we need to help the club continue to make the progress we all want to see.
    “Our 2011-12 prices means a child under the age of 16 can attend the Stadium of Light for less than £4 a game, which I think represents very good value for money and gives families the opportunity to come along and enjoy football together.
    “I sincerely hope our commitment to fair prices will encourage as many people as possible to join us on the next part of our journey.
    “It would be great to see a sea of new faces alongside the thousands of fans who are already part of our fantastic Sunderland family.”
    Current season card holders will be sent renewal information by post in early March. Online renewals and new purchases by credit/debit card are also available at safc.com.
    For further information, supporters can check out the club’s official website, safc.com, or call the ticket office on 0871 911 1973.
  2. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think the increases are reasonable.

    They won't scare off anyone, it amounts to a quid a game, basically.

    Wonder if i can pass myself off as under 16 like, surely the club ain't wiley enough to realise i've had a season ticket(card) longer than 16 years already...

    Where's me old school uniform...
  3. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Failing that, you might stand a better chance at the OAP????? I'll get me coat.
  4. Rokerlad59

    Rokerlad59 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The skirt still fits?? <whistle>
  5. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  6. Rokerlad59

    Rokerlad59 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    mackemwelder, I don't know about you but the standard of modding on this board is dropping as fast as a new mike ashley chin. Fair comment like being called a twat is one thing, but personal abuse is increasing at what seems an exponential rate. I feel like complaining as I'VE NEVER liked being called a Ha <shockraiseskirtinhorrorand runawaysmiley>
  7. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Fighting talk that there lad....

    ....not much of a fighter me self mind...
  8. Rokerlad59

    Rokerlad59 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Know what you mean, my thigh high hold-ups always fall down around my ankles and I end up tripping flat on me face.... and ...... DON'T get me started on what the thong does to me bits
  9. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I know what you mean, that hot chaffing sensation, terrible.
  10. Rokerlad59

    Rokerlad59 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Wimps like bigdownunder just do not understand what REAL MEN suffer, do they??

  11. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Well this is it.

    If he has the name 'big' in his username, well we know he ain't.

    Gotta love keyboard warriors, bet he's a reet little creep.

    (excuse the appaling use of the english language!)
  12. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Fighting Talk? i'm not fighting anyone, i have to stay in and wash me hair and sort me makeup out.
  13. unless hes big elsewhere
  14. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Seems to have disappeared from these boards, think we've scared him off?
  15. Washysafc

    Washysafc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    In the current climate with those employed in public service, a very large element of the work force up here, having a pay freeze and in some cases increments held back as well, for the next three years, a cut in spending power of 20% any increase is out of order.

    I feel for the under 22s especially, with over 20% of those not in college unemployed across the county, in Sunderland this could be as high as 40% and those going to college facing student fees and loans of about £40K they can not afford to come to games as it is. Rather than putting up prices the game needs to look at its structures and find a way to reduce the pay of players to say a maximum of £150K per year and bring the tickets back in line with what they were in real terms in the 1970s. If we dont I fear for the future of the game. It will be watched by well off middle class crowds in the ground and the working class in the pub watching on TV.

    This will be the death of football, it is and should remain a sport for the average working man and woman to bring their kids along as well, with out them the game dies.

    So yes I am angry about the increase in tickets and how do we change it? Difficult because I will still want to go so will still pay, but until supportors work together with a single voice and organise a national strike, when on a given day we all, from all clubs refuse to turn up and leave the grounds empty for the day we, including me will be responsible for the death of the game we love.
  16. SAFC 55

    SAFC 55 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Couldn't give a f..k how skint it makes me, I'm going to be there next season, at all costs.
  17. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    EVEN IF YOU HAVE HAD ENOUGH COSMETIC SURGERY TOO LOOK 16, there's a second line of defence the ask you to drop your trousers if the todgers wrinkled you have to pay double.
  18. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Then i'm screwed...
  19. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    You will be ,,,,,,,,,well and truly when your cash is gone my sympathy mate its been a rough one for you this month cash wise. anyone want to watch Ajax even though Swearuz [pun] has gone
  20. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    They've got Teemu ain't they?

    Has he managed a game yet? Made out of straw and piss, seemingly.

    Shame, decent player.

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