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Significantly Higher In My Estimation

Discussion in 'Cardiff City' started by clingo, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    I've just been reading the BBC Cardiff City pages and was very impressed by Malky MacKays words regarding the Cardiff City fans. Although talking as a result of the most tragic demise of Gary Speed, his words as well as being well measured, were also inspirational, respectful and clearly genuine. He, like Brendan Rodgers, clearly has a huge appreciation and respect for the job of being in charge of one of the two leading clubs in Wales. His words made it obvious that he is aware of his responsibilities.

    Many will know from the old 606 days, that I am a great fan of Dave Jones - a regard that was formed during his days at Wolves and Southampton, and to this day, I'll not be shaken from the view that he had a huge and positive influence on a vitally important period in the timeline of the club. So, when news of his departure came out, I was very much in the mind that his successor would have to improve our end of season position or, there would be no point in changing the boss. Therefore, it is fair to say that I was not over excited at the prospect of MM coming in. Clearly, and after calming down, the bigger picture unfolds and I get to respect that we are not just changing a manager - we're changing an ethos.

    While our current successful run and surprising league position pay testament to the hard work of MM, I still found myself unsure about the man. However, I am now seeing the club changing into one with a united ethic and one without prima donnas, and this is clearly due to MM's approach.

    Back to what I read today, it is clear that we have a manager that is serious about the club and has a huge respect for the fans and their Welshness. Stuff like that, was always going to impress me.
  2. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Clingo - Very subdued board at the moment for obvious reasons, but I'll have a stab at replying to your thoughts.

    Mackay and his staff have changed the face of the playing style at the club - in fact the whole culture. Out have gone the egos and abject "passenger" performances of the past few years, to be replaced by collective effort and committment to the club and cause.

    Agree that we need to thank DJ for his efforts through those very difficult and dangerous times for the club, but his ways had become stale and he needed to go - maybe for his sake as much as the club.

    Malky is here and doing a fantastic job. We were led to understand that our Malaysian owners were keen on a higher profile name to be brought in - I bet they are glad right now that football sense prevailed over any publicity benefits.

    I don't know who at the club was fundamentally responsible for identifying him as the one for us and bringing him here, but that person should be chaired shoulder high and held in the same regard. If it was Gethin, then he seems to have got a bum deal for his trouble.
  3. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    No offence Swampy mate, but a bit disrespectful to the OP there. No need to say "in times like these, football is nothing" on this thread. Pity you didn't grasp the opportunity to talk about football rather than the recent sad event.

    I don't think Clingo is being disrespectful in posting a "football" themed thread. We need to move on with this sort of chat and leave the respect to the specific threads that promote it. <ok>
  4. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    sorry, didnt read the post properly <ok>
  5. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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  6. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Swamp, I didn't get to read your post mate, but I can assure you that I am as devastated as anyone on here about recent events. I think if it is appropriate for football matches to go ahead, it is appropriate for us to talk football without having our morals called into question. Anyway, enough said on that - just a misunderstanding by the look of it.

    Sparkey, yes you're right. While I found it hard just to see DJ leave the club with, what seemed to me, a minimum of appreciation, even I could see the need for change. Excrutiating as it made me feel, it seemed to me that our neighbours were setting a model in how to run a club, and we needed to change how do things. It's a shame for DJ, because after all said and done, he was a couple of goals away from seeing us in the Prem. And he did give us some memorable times.

    Of course, all that can only last for so long, and a realisation of the need to change was right.

    I totally agree that another high profile name, albeit a manager, would have prolonged the old ethos and given us the same problems as Leicester and Forest.

    I'm just beginning to think we're in good hands.
  7. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    i think the main difference between MM and DJ is the footballing philisophies. DJ clearly was a good manager, how good? good but he didnt really get much luck here. its likely that MM will be able to keep the players he wants, whilst for most of his time here that was taken out of DJ's hands.

    quite a few people here, when i made a thread when there were rumours of MM being in the frame for the job, most people on here were unconvinced, everyone wanted hughton or di matteo.

    most of football management is about getting good players in, and to be fair MM has been proven right so far, most his signings have been successes, and thats a testament to his judgement and scouting. we are roughly where we were last season, but without the same big wages being paid, though miller will probably be the highest paid player at the club.

    with regards to DJ leaving, he had every chance to make a success of this club in the final 3 or so years here. its difficult for me to watch teams like norwich, blackpool, burnley and swansea go up ahead of us on lower budgets and less experience, forgetting about newcastle and WBA because they have unfair financial advantages but for me it was the right time to change the manager, and DJ was the longest serving championship manager, and a damn well paid one too, so i dont feel the club was bad to him.
  8. clingo

    clingo Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Very little to disagree with there swamp, I just hope that the majority of fans appreciate what DJ did, especially with some of the issues that were laid before him.

    All behind MM now as we move into the next phase in the history of our beloved club. <ok>
  9. taffthefish

    taffthefish Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I have to put my hand up and admit I was not convinced MM was the man for the job. He's slowly won me over, having said that I still believe he has to move us forward again as he was brought in to carry on where DJ left off. We're on track and doing really well so keep it up Malky and get us to the promised land :)
  10. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Clingon, like you, I was an advocate of DJ and belive he moved us forward a long way in difficult times and with one hand tied behind his back. Last season moved away from his standard for whatever reason and was his last throw of the dice. He left things a little (very) threadbare in terms of players, but with a reputation and a profile as a club that allows us to attract an ambitious manager and hungry players. Infrastructure wise, MM is building on firm foundations and financially he has more stability. Much of this must be atributed to DJ.

    MM is now taking us to the next level. Hopefully he will also make better use of our young guns and not frighten them off. One of DJs shortcomings.

  11. Blue Prophet

    Blue Prophet Active Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I had, and still have great respect for Dave Jones, for what he achieved at the club whilst hamstrung financially, and with the dignified way he handled the upheaval in his private life. MM did OK at Watford with a small budget and very little resources...............but I thought that Cardiff could have done better than MM.............glad to say I was wrong.

    There appears to have been a change of attitude at the club, and a new team spirit is obvious. We are doing better than expected at the moment, lets hope we can keep it up <ok>

    On a serious note, with all the tributes paid to Gary Speed, just about everyone who knew him well admired his professionalism and commented on his love for the game...........I'm sure that he would have appreciated the tributes being shown to him around the grounds............but as a pro and a fan I'm also sure he wouldn't have expected games to be cancelled and fans to stop discussing the game he loved.
  12. Hilts24

    Hilts24 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    I was delighted when we appointed Malky Mackay.

    He is doing a much better job than I thought he would though. 3rd in the League , semi finals of Carling Cup.

    The club done their homework and appointed a bright young manager. So much for the criticism in some quarters that we have no football people at the club.

    There was also the old argument of if we got rid of DJ who can do a better job. It shows with ourselves and Bristol City that there are young managers out there with a talent.

    Massive difference in tactics , fitness , selection and attitude from our players.

    I was just hoping for a top ten finish with the base of a squad to kick on.

    Keep injury free and we can make the play offs.

    Still I think next season will be the big one. More players off the wage bill in the summer allowing Malky to bring in more of his own men.

    Dont think we should throw the cheque book at it in the window.

    Weve gone down the overspending route. Lets do it without putting the club under financial pressure.
  13. Quo Vadis

    Quo Vadis Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Well said Clingo. I have exactly the same feelings for Dave Jones - he's a top bloke who nearly got us there, not to mention the FA Cup Final. I will always love him for that.
    I too saw that interview with Malky, and to say my admiration for him went through the roof would be an understatement. He is simply awesome. We are very lucky to have him as our manager - wouldn't want anyone else in the job now.
  14. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Hilts <applause>

    we've roughly in the same position as last season but last seasons team was full of players we couldnt afford, and half of them were loans who would go back to their clubs if they did well for us. at least this year, players who do well for us are assets who have transfer value for the club, people like gunnarsson, turner, mason and so on.

    its an excellent start by MM, i hope he's here for a few years yet. only thing is if he keeps this up and gets us promoted i have a fear he will be poached, but hopefully that wont happen for a few years at least <ok>
  15. DaiJones

    DaiJones Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I was and still am a big fan of DJ, look at his years in charge how far do you need to go back to see that type of success?

    Even Jimmy Scoular only got to those heights in 1 season.

    However I thought it was time for change and I have to admit that MM was not my first choice but very glad to be proved wrong.

    Respect to MM.
  16. Blue Prophet

    Blue Prophet Active Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Don' t you pick on Jimmy ;)
  17. DaiJones

    DaiJones Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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  18. Xsnaggle

    Xsnaggle Member

    Feb 12, 2011
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    About poaching MM. If he gets us up and with his previous with AF he might just be in the running for a surprise take over at Man U. I know thats a long shot but look at the alternatives and there is no one both setting the grass alight and young enough to do what alex did and stamp his own philosophy on the club.
    As I say, if we do well, remember this when AF finally hangs up his track suit. They could do a lot worse if he is as good as he looks.
  19. ealing_ayatollah

    Mar 8, 2011
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    At the risk of sounding like a cocky so an so, as soon as I heard we were talking to mm he was the man I wanted at the city. Happy to be proved right!
  20. H bomb

    H bomb Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    At the rate we're going SAF will want to come to CCS <laugh>

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