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Silva applies the handbrake and Poch stuffs up his subs..... AGAIN

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by Chelsea Pensioner, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. Chelsea Pensioner

    Chelsea Pensioner Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Like watching paint dry. Backwards and forwards among the back 4, all of them walking. Where was the intent to go and grab the 3 points? Off the ball play simply invisible against a shockingly poor team who played 5 in defence from the kick off. A virtuoso goal from Silva was his only contribution . The rest of the time he's like a giant handbrake slowing the team to a crawl. Hate seeing a once great player now so far off the pace needed.
    When we needed speed and power we got snails pace and long passages of play where the back 4 held it for a minute or more ,no forward movement.
    So does Poch sharpen us up with some early subs?? Nope 1st change is a like for like at 75 mins, then another at 83 mins and finally a defender and midfielder at 90 + 3.
    Given players must be really tired after 3 quick games, this is idiocy. Such is Chelsea.
    Bodinki likes this.
  2. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Pretty much spot on.
    Silva should have gone at 60 minutes.
    Playing defence against the worst team in the league when we are 1-2 up made me cringe.
    Pedestrian football 101!
    This is a team who have been getting slapped up every week in the last couple of months, and we made them look like Rocky Balboa.

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