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Slick Spa Heroes

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by Sportydan, Sep 2, 2012.

  1. Sportydan

    Sportydan Active Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Slightly different title, but the same content......

    • Best Driver:
    • Worst Driver:
    • Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne):
    • Best Team:
    • Worst Team:
    • Best Overtake:
    • Funniest-moment:
    • Most Surprising Result:
    • Least Surprising Result:
    • Special Mention to:
    • Race Rating: /10
    • Best Commentator overall:
  2. TomTom94

    TomTom94 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Likes Received:
    • Best Driver: Button
    • Worst Driver: Maldonado
    • Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Vergne
    • Best Team: Red Bull
    • Worst Team: Williams
    • Best Overtake: Raikkonen on SchumacherSauber qualify well then get taken out[/b]
    • Special Mention to: Hulkenberg, Massa, Schumacher
    • Race Rating: 7.5/10 - after the start there wasn't really any intrigue.
    • Best Commentator overall: Edwards
  3. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Button
    Worst Driver: Rosberg
    Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Vergne
    Best Team: Force India
    Worst Team: Mercedes
    Best Overtake: Kimi on schuey
    Funniest-moment: Kimi Push!!..... 'Well give me full power then'
    Most Surprising Result: Vettel getting 2nd
    Least Surprising Result: Maldo smashing his car up. Twice this time
    Special Mention to: Schumacher, Looked pretty good today but the mercedes is shockingly bad
    Race Rating: 8/10
    Best Commentator overall: Coulthard
  4. di Fredsta!

    di Fredsta! Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Likes Received:
    • Best Driver: Button
    • Worst Driver: Senna
    • Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Pic
    • Best Team: N/A
    • Worst Team: HRT
    • Best Overtake: Kimi-Schuey
    • Funniest-moment: Massa overtaking Webber
    • Most Surprising Result: Button doesnt get bad luck
    • Least Surprising Result: Alonso's unlucky at Spa
    • Special Mention to: Perez.
    • Race Rating: 4/10
    • Best Commentator overall:
  5. RoadRunner

    RoadRunner Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    •Best Driver: JB and Hulk
    •Worst Driver: Maldo, Gro, Karth, De La Ro,
    •Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Even though Vergne beat him, I still give it to Ricciardo, who was better than him for the majority of the race.
    •Best Team: None in particular
    •Worst Team: HRT
    &#8226;Best Overtake: Raikkonen on Schumacher, Eau Rouge. I could get used to these <laugh>
    &#8226;Funniest-moment: "MORE POWER!!!!"
    &#8226;Most Surprising Result: The blinding starts from people who benefitted from the 1st-corner carnage.
    &#8226;Least Surprising Result: The 1st-corner carnage. It was Maldonado, Hamilton and Grosjean next to each other for Pete's sake.
    &#8226;Special Mention to: Rosberg, Vettel
    &#8226;Race Rating: 9/10

    &#8226;Best Commentator overall:
  6. Forza Bianchi

    Forza Bianchi Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Likes Received:
    • Best Driver: Hulkenburg
    • Worst Driver: Grosjean
    • Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Pic
    • Best Team: McLaren
    • Worst Team: HRT
    • Best Overtake: Kimi on Schumacher
    • Funniest-moment: Karthikeyan spinning, how embarrassing.
    • Most Surprising Result: Toro Rosso's pace
    • Least Surprising Result: Hulkenburg owning his overrated teammate
    • Special Mention to: McLaren, great car you built for Button.
    • Race Rating: 3/10 - Two favourite drivers out at the start, then Massa is too slow. So depressing.
    • Best Commentator overall: Coulthard
  7. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    [*]Best Driver: Vettel.
    [*]Worst Driver: Grosjean/Maldonado/Rosberg.
    [*]Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Ricciardo.
    [*]Best Team: Redbull/FI/TorroRo.
    [*]Worst Team: Mercedes.
    [*]Best Overtake: Vettel on many.
    [*]Funniest-moment: Kimi team radio.
    [*]Most Surprising Result: FIndia's and TorroRosso's.
    [*]Least Surprising Result: Button.
    [*]Special Mention to: Schumacher and battles. Hamilton sportsmanship (checking on Fernando)
    [*]Race Rating: 9/10.

    [*]Best Commentator overall: Sky team.
  8. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    <laugh> good point

    Maldo tried so hard not to be involved by getting away early bless
  9. Max Whiplash

    Max Whiplash Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Hülkenberg
    Worst Driver: Rosberg
    Best Rookie: Vergne
    Best Team: McLaren
    Worst Team: Mercedes
    Best Overtake: Kimi on Schumi, Hulk on Schumi - can't decide
    Funniest-moment: Fernando reclining on his throne
    Most Surprising Result: Massa - genuinely competitive
    Least Surprising Result: di Resta scrapes a point
    Special Mention to: All those whose race was ruined by Grosjean
    Race Rating: 6/10
    Best Commentator overall: Coulthard
  10. Julius Caesar

    Julius Caesar Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 30, 2011
    Likes Received:

    • Best Driver: Jenson Button - Untouchable
    • Worst Driver: Romain Grosjean - off the pace and another crash.
    • Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Pic
    • Best Team: Force India
    • Worst Team: Mercedes, Just wow.
    • Best Overtake: Kimi-Schuey
    • Funniest-moment: Maldo's jump start
    • Most Surprising Result: Jenson is back
    • Least Surprising Result: Alonso, Hamilton both out
    • Special Mention to: Sauber
    • Race Rating: 9/10
    • Best Commentator overall: Ben Edwards

    Whats clear from this thread is that it was a great race... so long as your driver survived the first corner.


  11. blueboy83

    blueboy83 Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: The Finger, drove an excellent race to finish 2nd.
    Worst Driver: Grosjean
    Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Ricciardo
    Best Team: Toro Rosso, good result for them today.
    Worst Team: Mercedes
    Best Overtake: Raikonnen on Schumacher
    Funniest-moment: can't think of anything.
    Most Surprising Result: Massa - his first good drive in a long time.
    Least Surprising Result: Mercedes getting their strategy wrong.
    Special Mention to: Hulkenberg
    Race Rating: 6/10, had its moments but not a great race.
    Best Commentator overall: DC
  12. shifty

    shifty Member

    Jan 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    &#8226;Best Driver: Vettel
    &#8226;Worst Driver: Grosjean for causing mayhem in the first corner
    &#8226;Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Vergne & Ricciardo, they looked very pacey today
    &#8226;Best Team: Torro Rosso
    &#8226;Worst Team: Mercedes
    &#8226;Best Overtake: Raikkonen on Schuey
    &#8226;Funniest-moment: The Marussias scrapping it out together, but good on them, we need to see more of that
    &#8226;Most Surprising Result: Alonso not on the podium!!!
    &#8226;Least Surprising Result: Button
    &#8226;Special Mention to: Grosjean - he needs to be dragged over the coals for causing what could have been a fatal accident today. When you're all boxed in like that you have to use yer noodle. Watching him flying across Alonso like that sends shivers down my spine.
    &#8226;Race Rating: 5/10 I was really looking forward to the Saubers having a great race

    &#8226;Best Commentator overall: Edwards
  13. Paco Montoya

    Paco Montoya Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Hulk
    Worst Driver: Rosberg
    Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Vergne
    Best Team: Red Bull
    Worst Team: Williams
    Best Overtake: Kimi on Schumi
    Most Surprising Result: No rain
    Least Surprising Result:
    Special Mention to: Schumi, Button
    Race Rating: 6/10
  14. McFerrari

    McFerrari Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best driver: Jenson Button - anyone else and you're biased or deluded

    Worst driver: Romain Grosjean. Also sealed the worst driver of the season after what he caused at the start (unless Maldonado can do something equally stupid and dangerous). And it's something I've been raging about ever since 2009 when he was ruining people's races (remember taking Button out at Spa in 2009?). Shocking.

    Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Vergne. Was very happy for him because he and Toro Rosso have had a tough year but today they drove well especially Vergne.

    Best Team: McLaren - the speed Jenson showed since yesterday was outstanding and they duly delivered. Great news for McLaren fans.

    Worst Team: Mercedes - yet again the race pace is just not there. Kudos to Michael Schumacher for doing a stunning job in the first part of the race but ultimately the lack of pace and tyre issues in that car tagged him back.

    Best Overtake: Schumacher on Raikonnen (round the outside at the end of the straight) AND THEN Raikonnen on Schumacher up Eau Rouge. Great racing from the Kings of Spa.

    Funniest-moment: Raikonnen calling for MORE POWER!

    Most Surprising Result: Alonso not in the points

    Least Surprising Result: Raikonnen and Schumacher entertaining and thrilling us once again at Spa.

    Special Mention to: Alonso, Perez and Hamilton all of whom I was interested in following their progress this afternoon but for one mindless idiot. Thank god Alonso was alright. He was inches from death.

    Race Rating: 7.5/10

    Best Commentator overall: Ben Edwards
  15. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Kings of Spa should be in the same team.
  16. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    *laughs* :D
  17. Kyle?

    Kyle? New Member

    May 17, 2011
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    &#8226;Best Driver: Jenson Button. On another level today. Button like this is unbeatable
    &#8226;Worst Driver: Grosjean, really misjudged the start
    &#8226;Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Vergne
    &#8226;Best Team: McLaren. 2.6 second pit stop. Impressive
    &#8226;Worst Team: Caterham. Really slow compared to normal
    &#8226;Best Overtake: Kimi on Schumacher
    &#8226;Funniest-moment: Kimi's Radio Rage
    &#8226;Most Surprising Result: Hulkenberg 4th
    &#8226;Least Surprising Result: Raikkonen not winning
    &#8226;Special Mention to: Hulkenberg, Massa, Vettel
    &#8226;Race Rating: 6/10

    &#8226;Best Commentator overall: Only watched the 1st 25 minutes and the highlights (clashed with the arsenal game) but i'd say Edwards.
  18. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
    Likes Received:
    • Best Driver: Vettel, Button controlled the race from the start but Vettel gets the plaudits from me, 13th to 2nd making some brave overtakes on the way
    • Worst Driver: Grosjean
    • Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Vergne
    • Best Team: Should've been Sauber, but I'll give it to STR
    • Worst Team: Williams
    • Best Overtake: Vettel on Webber
    • Funniest-moment:
    • Most Surprising Result: Button
    • Least Surprising Result: Maldonado
    • Special Mention to: Hulk, Massa and Schumacher
    • Race Rating: 8/10
    • Best Commentator overall:
  19. BrightLampShade

    BrightLampShade Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 14, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Button - Pole and a dominant win, what more could he do
    Worst Driver: a tie between Grosjean, Maldanado and Rosberg
    Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Vergne
    Best Team: Sauber - their big moment taken away through no fault of their own
    Worst Team: Caterham - relatively
    Best Overtake: Kimi on MSC
    Funniest-moment: Kimi Wanting full power
    Most Surprising Result: Alonso's no points
    Least Surprising Result: begins with Maldanado and ends in Penalty
    Special Mention to: Vettel + Hulk
    Race Rating: 7.8/10
    Best Commentator overall: -
  20. SixFootFive

    SixFootFive Member

    Jun 9, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Best Driver: Jenson Button (Pole position and a win after leading every single lap)
    Worst Driver: Romain Grosjean (He should think himself lucky he's only gonna miss 1 race)
    Best Rookie(Grosjean,Pic,Ricciardo,Vergne): Ricciardo/Vergne (Great stuff from both Toro Rossos, hard to pick a stand-out between them)
    Best Team: McLaren (Can't really add anything here, they were just awesome)
    Worst Team: Red Bull (How Vettel got 2nd place is beyond me, they completely mis-called their setup for this race)
    Best Overtake: Raikkonen on Schumacher (Carbon-copy of Webber's pass on Alonso last year)
    Funniest-moment: Kimi Raikkonen (Raging on the radio, darting past Button into the pits after the race...just Kimi being Kimi I suppose)
    Most Surprising Result: Kobayashi on the front row (Gutted that he couldn't get anything from it, but a strong statement of intent from Sauber)
    Least Surprising Result: Maldonado and Grosjean (It's getting beyond a joke now)
    Special Mention to: Michael Schumacher (Congratulations on making it to 300 grands prix)
    Race Rating: 8/10 (Marred by the first lap carnage, but a fantastic race otherwise)
    Best Commentator overall: Can't say (I don't have Sky so I can't pass fair judgement)

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