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Ten games without a win

Discussion in 'Norwich City' started by Canary Rob, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Canary Rob

    Canary Rob Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    remarkably, not our worst run...

    But even more remarkably we're still just two points from safety (or a point and five goals elsewhere).

    How do we find form? It's difficult because, ironically: (i) I honestly think that for us we're playing quite well and should be picking up points (I dread to think what it will be like when we play badly); (ii) our defence hasn't looked better than it is right now with fewer really horrible moments, and yet we're conceding every single game; and (iii) the players still seem to be fighting for the manager.

    I know Alex Neil looks at a loss as to how to solve this, but tbh even as an armchair manager I am too. Changing manager is unlikely to help because to be honest our players aren't really very good. And given that they seem to still be behind the manager it might even make matters worse (!) much like when Hughton was sacked and players seemingly went on strike.

    I think at this stage it is pretty inevitable we will be relegated, so from hereon in I think it's about preserving morale and getting the team together. Naismith, after an initial excellent couple of games, to me looks like he's not interested. Get him out, I doubt he'll be up for the Championship if he can't be arsed now. As for our other new signings, Pinto is improving defensively after opening horror shows. Klose is looking better too, so I think we stick with them. Keep developing this back three/five too because I think it plays to Brady and Pinto's strengths and could run riot in the Championship.

    I'd like to see Bamford starting now. His movement is excellent and although he hasn't scored he has looked our most dangerous striker. Mbokani doesn't offer enough movement, but is a useful option off the bench to throw on. Jerome's failing. So I don't think we've got anything to lose. Then behind him, Hooloahan is still playing well, as is Redmond. Howson is a no-brainer. After that I'm at a loss. O'Neil has his moments (both good and absolutely dreadful) and I just don't trust him for some reason. I had such high hopes for Mulumbu and yet he's just been a huge disappointment. However, I think in the Championship, Mulumbu could find some real form and I'd be tempted to get him up to speed now.

    That leaves left midfield (assuming Hoolahan is in the middle). I know he doesn't defend, but with a back five I think we could put Vadis back in the team. I'm not clear why he's seemingly been permanently dropped because he was instrumental in our Christmas period success - clearly it was when we were looking defensively weaker Neil felt maybe leaving Vadis out would shore us up, but frankly we need to start defending from the front and we know Vadis is superb at Championship level.

    Just my musings. Otherwise fuming, with a mixture of resignation... Much like Neil I suppose
    THURNBY YELLOW and JM Fan like this.
  2. canary-dave

    canary-dave Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I'm disappointed we are not picking up points, the trapdoor is getting closer but Norwich is the team I support and I always will. I'm not a "fair weather" fan, I love NCFC through thick and thin.

    I'm also disappointed at how some so-called fans turn on the team, snarling like a pack of hounds, that is really helpful isn't it? If you're not happy watching us struggle, go away, come back when we start winning again! I promise you, we real fans won't miss you!
  3. stilljaroldcanary

    stilljaroldcanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    We just have to hang in, if we go down we do, keep smiling keep the faith

    Not worried about all the rubbish about you must stay up for the money, I go to Carrow Road to watch football not inspect the balance sheet and when you see the prices of players and wages all that extra cash is required to just try and stay in, the bigger the money the bigger the risk

    We just go down and start the journey all over again, the football in the CCC is more entertaining and winning promotion more fun than the prize

    I will always be there whatever the league hope we keep faith with AN but I also hope we don't take a losing mentality down with us , from the commentary today sounded like we were not really going for it again
    Number 1 Jasper likes this.
  4. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    You were saying that at the end of Hughton's reign Dave. Just because some of us are not happy clappers who accept ****e from our team and directors doesn't mean we're not 'real' fans.
  5. canary-dave

    canary-dave Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I just don't think it's very helpful turning on the players and the manager, and in your case, McNally, Delia and probably the tea lady too, I'm trying to be funny here, but I do find all this Canary Call behaviour very disrespectful and counter-productive!
    Rich44 likes this.
  6. ThaiCanary

    ThaiCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I have the answer....4-4-2 at homes game against Mags, Cats, Hornets and Mancs
  7. JM Fan

    JM Fan Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I'd love to see it and I'd rather we went down fighting than giving in by sticking to the 'one striker' policy!!!
    Not holding my breath on that one though.
  8. Canary Spring

    Canary Spring Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2016
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    Same here, 4-4-2. Although, I didn't like the double substitution today as I would rather have seen how Bamford and CJ played together, then replace CJ later on with Mbo and watch how him and Bamford work together.
    Walsh.i.am likes this.
  9. Walsh.i.am

    Walsh.i.am Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I think it's fair to say that every last person who does (or has in the past) contribute to this, or any other NCFC forum does - and will continue to support the club whatever division they find themselves in.
    I also think that those who just bite the bullet and take one hammer blow to the cranium after another without a word of complaint, constructive - nine times out of ten ;) criticism, suggestions on how things may have been / will be in future perhaps improved are kind of missing the point of a fans discussion forum, where ideas, suggestions, viewpoints etc are the entire raison d'être for the forum's existence in the first place?
    To meekly accept the club's fate without so much as a murmur seems odd to me.
    But then I, and my views seem odd to some <laugh> We go again, as they say <ok>
    DHCanary and FleetCanary like this.
  10. canary-dave

    canary-dave Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Discussion is fine, what I don't understand is people shouting and swearing at the team, the management the coaching staff, the CEO and the joint owners, wanting rid of everybody at the club. That's just childish, foot-stamping, toys thrown out of the pram and not in the slightest "constructive!"

    See what Thai said after the match, he is certainly not a happy clapper, but his post is sensible and constructive!
    Rich44 likes this.

  11. Walsh.i.am

    Walsh.i.am Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Very true, but really there are only a couple or so on this forum who do that - and they are at least consistent, having nailed their colours to the mast (alias started hurling toys from said pram) for quite some time now. ;) <ok>
  12. canary-dave

    canary-dave Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    My main problem is the one who is probably the worst offender is someone I really like and I hate upsetting him but I get angry and off we go!
    KIO likes this.
  13. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    You know what they say Dave, "Opposites attract"

    Looking forward to next month <cheers>
  14. royalbarclayfan

    royalbarclayfan Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I´m not sure anyone on here is missing the point of the forum, some will contribute avídly, some will contribute occasionally, and some will contribute not at all, but remain in touch by reading the threads - as I just said to Dave, supporters come in all shapes and sizes and temperaments. Personally I see nothing wrong at all in accepting whatever fate has in store for the club, without making much of a murmur. It seems just as ridiculous to me that grown adults can work themselves up into such a fervour, and at times become downright abusive over something as relatively harmless as losing a game of football. I´ll happily discuss any point I consider interesting or salient, but if it´s already been discussed and battered to death 55 times, I see no earthly reason to add my twopennyworth, to make it 56.

    We´re all built differently and fortunately diversity is the spice of life.
  15. ThaiCanary

    ThaiCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    and I saw sh!t-faced at the time :angel:
  16. canary-dave

    canary-dave Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Still are judging by your spelling of "was" <laugh>
  17. ThaiCanary

    ThaiCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    <laugh><laugh> Guilty as charged <cheers>
  18. Russ Martin 2

    Russ Martin 2 Active Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Ten games without a win - and only a solitary draw I might add. One point out of a possible thirty does not make for good reading. 1 point out of a possible 30. I'm not sure if this terrible run is limited to just League games, because frankly, I've lost track of all the defeats but in any event I apologise if my Maths is off. In this time we've played all manner of teams from those likely to be joining us in the Championship next season to potential champions and of course mid-table teams. The only common ground between them is that they all beat us.

    I wouldn't advocate sacking Alex Neil but a run like that is the kind that gets a a manager 'relieved of their duties'. I believe him to be the 'fall guy' for the board's terrible Summer transfer strategy but this is not a debate I want to get drawn into.

    I hear and read the thoughts from some Norwich fans: "We're playing well". "A win is just around the corner". I would personally only go as far as to say "we haven't deserved to lose all these games", which I truly believe. However as we're starting to realise, not deserving to lose isn't the same as deserving to win, and unfortunately hasn't equated to actually not losing in practice. I hate to say it, but I'm not seeing many encouraging signs.

    Of course the task gets easier next weekend with home game against Manchester City who just put a similarly poor Aston Villa side to the sword yesterday and bossed us in the FA Cup fixture. Even as an optimist I can't see as getting anything from this game; I only hope we can dig in, play well, score and most importantly, avoid ending up like Villa.

    So our run of ten games without a win becomes a run of eleven games without a win by this time next week. Then what? The Newcastle home game. Failure to win that what surely spell the end of our faint survival hopes and sadly, the end of Alex Neil's tenure as Norwich City manager. Can I honestly say we don't deserve to be where we are in the table based on the available evidence? No. The only thing I can say is that there is still time to turn it around by beating Newcastle and Sunderland. That said, Norwich fans have been saying that for weeks and I have reached the point where I no longer believe that will happen. I'm afraid that after yesterday's result (or rather a combination of the last ten) I have resigned myself to supporting Championship football next season.

    I apologise for the length of the post and I would love to be proved wrong. OTBC
    Rich44, Walsh.i.am, KIO and 1 other person like this.
  19. JM Fan

    JM Fan Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Pretty much sums up my views on where we are now!!!
  20. FleetCanary

    FleetCanary Active Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    AN is going nowhere whatever the outcome of this season. We'd be mad to throw away his recent experience of the Championship and his knowledge of our squad's strengths (?) and weaknesses.
    Paradoxically, I think it slightly more likely that we would give him the boot were we to ultimately scrape survival this season.

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