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Off Topic The "Discuss Anything Else" Thread

Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by OddDog, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    i take it you are happy with the way things are then and dont mind further restrictions heading into the new year.
    personally I think it would be better to get the economy going more by now, but COVID deniers continue to prevent this from happening.

    just think if we had had a proper lockdown a bit earlier this autumn and over half term, things could have been looking a lot better by now, and more of the country could have gone into tier 1 next week.
  2. smokethedeadbadger

    smokethedeadbadger Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Well no i'm not happy with how things are going because i don't think there should have ever been a lockdown, so all this stop start ****e is frustrating. Just open up and crack on.
  3. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    how on earth can you say just open up and crack on?
    we got up to 700 dead the other day - 57000+ over the year. And that is with lockdowns.
    how many would you like to see die each day?

    At least the US have a normal leader at last. Biden summed it up best by telling the US "we are all in this together".
    He is correct and as I keep saying until the COVID deniers like yourself start to accept this then nothing will change.
    The only hope now in this country is the vaccine because we have certainly proved incapable of sorting the mess out in any other way.
  4. mallafets123

    mallafets123 Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Please show me the scientific study that BMJ has done on the the Danish study to refute it or a scientific study to show the substandard masks the public are using do work.
    Brexit is not a fairytale, it is a fact, but you are only interested in ubsubstantiated rants for the most parts.
    We voted to leave and very soon will have enacted that result. Whether it is a success or not we shall see in the next decade or so. It will be, but I dont care if it is or is not as i have zero, zilch, nada, control over it, i will just get on with my life and not cower from it or a virus that kills barely anyone.
  5. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    The curious case of the Danish mask study | The BMJ

    what i want to know though is why you agree with the vote leaving government on Brexit but yet you dont agree with them about wearing a mask?
    interesting also that Brexiteers who were so confident that Brexit would be a success back in 2016 now are unable to offer anything more than "we shall see in the next decade whether it will be or not". Really? Why dont you just admit that you and the other 51% were conned? The people who will be implementing Brexit are the same people who are currently annoying you over this virus. Why do you think they are they going to make a success of Brexit?
  6. CaptainPops

    CaptainPops Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    As I mentioned on here the other day it is not just about the death stats from Covid to consider. It is undeniable that the virus has killed a significant number of people in this country and other parts of the world.

    But is is rather ignorant just to consider the death numbers against population totals. What you are not considering is those left with long term problems, the impact on NHS and other staff caring for these people who have been very sick, the impact on their mental health, the fact experienced NHS staff have not come across anything like it before, the fact that some NHS staff are exhausted and fact some people trying to recover from the virus are still struggling to breathe.

    Try to open your eyes to some of the other impacts rather than just death numbers..
  7. CaptainPops

    CaptainPops Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Rather than trying to blame the government we should consider people's actions. It is quite clear to me that people have been irresponsible in their actions which has contributed to the spread of the virus.

    Gatherings for raves, BLM protests, large groups outside pubs etc etc. Significant numbers have ignored the advice and whilst the government could have done better at some things you can't legislate for people acting responsibly.

    Re Brexit, I am of course looking forward to when that time comes as well you know.
    smokethedeadbadger likes this.
  8. smokethedeadbadger

    smokethedeadbadger Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I'm not a denier I'm just not a snowflake like yourself. We keep going over the same ground but I'll repeat yet again. If you came out of your Cave and ventured out into the world you'd discover that we are not in the middle of an apocalypse. I've been going out to work everyday since this all began. People are just getting on with life and want to just be able to get on with it. I've met one person and only one that is taking this whole thing as seriously as you are. A woman at a council office I worked at. Full on face mask and panicking about us getting too close whilst she opened doors for us etc.. And I meet a lot of people during the course of my job. I go to a different business everyday. All different kinds and the signs are up for face masks, social distancing etc. 9 out of 10 places though it isn't put into practice because people just aren't bothered.

    I was working in a box at side of the road on Monday and an old fella out walking his dog stopped for a chat. Well into his 70s maybe even older. He just wanted to put the world to rights. Moaning how it's all such a farce how the world has gone mad. And to quote him directly. "the world is just so soft, they all just need coddling this lot". About sums up how a lot of the general public feel about you and your snowflake brigade.
    Dancingbraveforever likes this.
  9. mallafets123

    mallafets123 Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Just because I agree with someone on one thing does not mean i agree with them on everything else.
    I am confident brexit will be a success as it will come down to business at the end of the day and not the politicians as they simply come and go, but i do not have a crystal ball nor Nostradamus on my fb to prove it will be. Just like the remoaners have no evidence it will not be. The coming years will tell.
    Nobody is annoying me and certainly a politician never could. I have no control or input regarding brexit or the virus so i simlply offer my thoughts and get on with my life.
  10. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    Some Muppets still believing the dodgy statistics put out by the Establishment. I think that you will find that the “700 dead” were people who died within 28 days of having a positive coronavirus test. Covid Cave dwellers still believe the way the media portray this as an accurate count of plague victims. Of the 57,000 dead, as many as 20,000 were killed by the NHS; nothing to do with lockdowns.

    The US does not have a “normal leader at last” because Biden has not been formally elected by the Electoral College yet and will not take power until January 2021, but why let facts get in the way of one of your rants?

    Keep holding your breath waiting for the vaccine panacea. Just a quick reminder: none of the Phase Three trial vaccines has yet received authorisation from any recognised body. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine’s trial results are coming under closer scrutiny because (surprise, surprise) corners were cut in the testing process in the rush to obtain positive results that could be sent to regulators to get the green light to use their drug. So the £2 a go vaccine might not arrive as quickly as expected, leaving the £20 a go experimental vaccine (no other vaccine ever manufactured using the same biological technology) in pole position – if it can get past the regulators. In all that excitement about announcing successful vaccine trials just a few weeks ago, nobody bothered to report that only 20 per cent of drugs put to the various American, British and European regulators actually get approval.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2020

  11. mallafets123

    mallafets123 Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    I disagree, the facts are the virus has killed roughly 1.4m out of 7bn worldwide and 58k out of 67m in UK. It is miniscule as is the people with long term problems from covid.
    The excess deaths here from the NHS/Gov being headless chickens should not even be happening. They are down to poor decision making and blind panic.
  12. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Seriously, President Trump certainly has found himself a really cute little desk?

    Attached Files:

    Ron likes this.
  13. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Apparently it has been identified by an observant desk expert!

    Attached Files:

    Ron likes this.
  14. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    It's not even Summer yet, and already temps are 45c in some places in Australia.
  15. smokethedeadbadger

    smokethedeadbadger Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Oh you can **** right off, its minus 2 here haha
    OddDog and Cyclonic like this.
  16. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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  17. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    yeah the reality is that coronavirus is a non issue when compared with the climate Armageddon the world is facing
  18. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    just because I now work from home doesn’t mean I never go out.
    I will probably go out more now that sporting events are opening their doors again.

    I don’t understand how just because I am following medical advice means I am a snowflake.
    There is a vaccine coming. The only snowflakes are those that can’t follow basic rules for another few months.
    Refusal to do so costs lives and livelihoods. Think about it.
  19. Steveo

    Steveo Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2019
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    As for the mindless idiots protesting against the lockdown in London today - total scum
  20. Joe_z

    Joe_z Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2016
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    Just to clarify a few points QM.
    Steveo said "<laugh> I hardly think that Germany will end up in the mess that Hull is in."

    To me this indicates he finds humour in the comparison.

    Your response to this was
    <doh> A southern left-wing nutter sees humour in the deaths of staunch Labour voters in a post-Industrial Labour stronghold in the North. An ironic demonstration of the stupidity of the moralising left. You must be Leftie Leonidas.

    Can you point out where Steveo sees humour as you have stated.

    You refer to Leonidas here who passed some 2500 years ago, yet when i mentioned Felix Walker your response was
    Desperate Scottish Nationalists having to make references to long dead Irish Americans for laughs.
    The word bunkum originates from the speech for Buncombe delivered by Felix Walker, i think my reference to Walker is more apt than your reference to Leonidas.

    I would be surprised if you did not respond with your usual vitriolic diatribe. But it will be interesting to see what you have to say.
    Toby likes this.

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