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The General Conversation Thread

Discussion in 'Norwich City' started by Forgot_My_Lines, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Forgot_My_Lines

    Forgot_My_Lines Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    That is a good game, but is the same as "Who's in the bag" same idea, you just don't have to spit Rizlas to your forehead!
  2. chinacanary

    chinacanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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  3. Cruyff's Turn

    Cruyff's Turn Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    Dwile flonking was invented C1969 at Clowes printers in Beccles by the brother of a college friend of mine called Devereux. They promoted it as an Olde English pub game and the following summer went on the road with it doing exhibitions at fetes etc. I remember being part of the team that went to St Felix school at Southwold that summer. They didn't charge a fee but stressed that a full barrel of Adnams was needed for it to function. For the uninitiated the team holds hands and revolves in a circle around the flonker who attempts to hit one of them with the Dwile,a beer sodden floor cloth. A miss means that the flonker "suffers"the penalty of drinking a piss pot full of beer. You can most likely guess the outcome of the St.Felix event.
    KIO likes this.
  4. ThaiCanary

    ThaiCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    And just how do you know this?

    THURNBY YELLOW Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    For Granny games I would suggest the humble Snakes and Ladders mate. It is simple and she will know to play it and that is half the batle. I am enteraining two mothers (with Mrs Thurnby of course) and one has alzeimers and dimentia. S & L did the trick for an hour or so. Transgressing, but a stalwart of these times is a Glasgow comedy about pensioners called Still Game. You will probably need the subtitles but if you thought Rab C Nesbit was funny (which in my view it certainly wasn't!) this one is an absolute gem once you have got into it. Ford Kinnear and Greg Hemphill are the writers and stars of the show but it is superb. Not always lol funny, bit of pathos, family arguments and pals down the pub with the gossip monger working in the shop. The bottom line is, both mothers love it and it has helped us through some difficult times for years because entertaining ones elders is not easy. If you are tempted series 2 is the absolute tops and probably is my all time favourite comedy disc. Beat that!
    Forgot_My_Lines likes this.
  6. KIO

    KIO Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Invest in one of these, all the classics in one box <ok>
  7. Tony_Munky_Canary

    Tony_Munky_Canary Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2011
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    I don't for sure, but that's what basic common sense and having known a great many of Muslim people who I know would find these things completely abhorrent tells me anyway.

    Genuine question that is in no way intended to be antagonistic - when did you last live in the UK?

    That's it from me now, apart from this little dose of reality <ok>

  8. ThaiCanary

    ThaiCanary Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    You must know quite a significant number then, but quite possibly none from Luton, Burnley, Blackburn, Rotherham, Rochdale, Bolton etc where many of today's radicals seems to be recruited from. These seem to be populations that really do not wish to integrate and I have had first hand experience of this from travelling the length and breadth of the country to follow NCFC. Sure there are those that do integrate and I met several in my sheltered life in sleepy Norfolk and Cambridgeshire but that is not the same "reality" of the large northern towns and cities, from what I have observed.

    I accept that because they do not wish to integrate does make them "Islamist's" by default but those who do not wish to have contact with the indigenous population have not, and are not doing themselves any favours with a self-imposed barrier to anything outside of their culture/religion.

    (Not sure how that could be antagonistic in the slightest)
    I left just over 5 years ago with no regrets :emoticon-0148-yes:
  9. General Melchett

    General Melchett Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    And this is the big issue, I know a number of Muslims through work and they are all (Nearly all, there was one knob!) nice people and very personnable. They are not though representative of the whole. They have been brought up as far as I can tell with well educated parents who have much more progressive ideas. This however is not the norm in allot of the larger more insular communities. There are great swathes of them that live purely within their own communities. These are where you will find Sharia law, forced arranged marriages, no tax paid or respect for the laws and culture of this country. Still none of this will lead directly to extremism and or any abhorant views. It's as always about the most influencial people telling the others how to live their life. If they have abhorent views then unfortunitely those views can easily spread.
    In my view these communities are definitely not healthy and erode the traditional values and way of life of Britain. How long will it take for one of these Cities like Leicester to have a majority council representation of Muslims? And when will that then result in real cultural changes that will further alienate the minority white population who have been there for generations? I'm not completely one eyed, cultural change is inevitable over time, sometimes much for the better, but I bet in all of those towns Thai has mentioned anyone who can, will be jumping ship, because the rapid cultural shift is not completely compatible with traditional west ideals. I know different cultures can learn good things from each other, but that needs to be two way with mutual respect, something seemingly lost on communities from both sides. No coincidence that for the most these are the poorer less educated.

  10. General Melchett

    General Melchett Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Sorry FML, just had my lunch, Pastrami salad sandwich, beef monster munch and a wagon wheel. On Wednesday I have to take one of my cats to the vets for his annual booster injection, so he'll hate me for a few days again!

    DHCanary likes this.

  11. Norfolkbhoy

    Norfolkbhoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Good drinking games

    The Matchbox Game - players take a standard matchbox and throw it over their own pint glass with a view to landing it on either the long or the short edge. Long edge = two fingers to be drunk by the next player, short edge = 4 fingers to be drunk by the next player unless in either case they can repeat the feat and the penalty is added on to the next player until someone misses and gets the forfeit. There is a hail Mary rule whereby if you can throw the matchbox and hit the roof of the drinking establishment and get it to land on its side everyone else has to finish their pint but if you fail you have to neck yours.

    Fizz/Buzz - round the table you count starting with a number between one and five chosen by the first player. Any number with a five or a multiple of five is not said aloud but replaced by the word "fizz". any number with an eight or a multiple of eight is replaced by "buzz" AND the direction of the count reverses. any error or hesitation is penalised by a set fine of (say) four fingers of beer.

    Pub Golf - takes a bit of planning but good for a stag do/birthday. The person organising maps out a course of either 9 or 18 holes (for the brave only). The holes are all pubs and each hole will have a drink associated with it and a number of gulps allowed so for example you could have The Murderers as hole 1 pint of your choice par three, then The Bell - double scotch par one, The Lamb Inn - bottle of tart fuel of your choice par two etc etc. Scores are then monitored throughout the round and the lowest score wins so for example someone necking their pint on the first in one would record an eagle two under par, but then if they were struggling with their pint of stout at the par four eighth hole and needed five goes then they would score a bogey. You can also carry a golf ball with you and with a view to planting it into a fellow players drink by stealth. If successful then the recipient of the golf ball is required to neck whatever is left in their pint. Once this is done they then control the golf ball. You can also designate certain holes as water hazards where visits to the gents are prohibited with a two shot penalty. Vomiting or missing a hole are 5 shot penalties.
    DHCanary likes this.
  12. Forgot_My_Lines

    Forgot_My_Lines Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    I loved Rab C, and I had seen a few episodes here of Still Game and liked what I saw. You don't need subtitles. Being confused by the noises is half the fun.
  13. General Melchett

    General Melchett Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    First politics and now the what are you watching! What else will infiltrate this thread?

  14. General Melchett

    General Melchett Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    I forgot about the matchbox game, played that a lot of years ago, never played fizz/buzz but its just like cricket. I have never played 18 holes but the only time I played 9, I managed it in 9 shots and won the race on the last hole as a decider between me and two others. Hardest hole for me was the sambuca, can't stand the stuff, why would anyone drink that crud?

  15. Norfolkbhoy

    Norfolkbhoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Blimey - nine shots for a half round of pub golf is pretty impressive. Clearly you either need to play a tougher course (pints of Guinness and minimum three shot cocktails) or move on to the full round as that was clearly not a challenge to you. I once played a full round in Oxford city centre which ended up in carnage with two players ending up spending the night as vagrants due to their inability to move their legs and the rest of us being too insensible to find them. Happy times...
  16. Cruyff's Turn

    Cruyff's Turn Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    I find myself in agreement with what has been written by The General and Thai. Second generation Muslims, educated and integrated, tolerant of the admittedly louche ways of their hosts. The nightshirt band slippers boys much more likely to be intolerant. My guess here, and Munky will deride it. If you asked them to unconditionally condemn the Paris attacks 10% would only give a qualified response. It would be "Well they mocked our prophet" or some such drivel.
  17. woodbine

    woodbine Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    To blame all muslims you're just giving what the terrorists want.

    'Not in my name' good video.

  18. woodbine

    woodbine Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Out of interest, where did you get that percentage?
  19. Cruyff's Turn

    Cruyff's Turn Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    I don't think that anyone was suggesting that we blame them all. Equally though hiding our heads in the sand and saying that it's only a handful isn't realistic. There are many thousands in this country alone who consider that violence is an acceptable way to progress their case for Islamification. As I said before, a general rule of thumb. Western dress/make up and faces exposed - moderate. Nightshirt, slippers,crocheted hat and women peering out through a letter box - radical.
  20. Cruyff's Turn

    Cruyff's Turn Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    It is an educated guess based on the factors in my last post but here is another one for you. 90% of the indigenous UK public would agree with me and most of them would think my comments too mild. I am not suggesting lynching Muslims, or even being less than polite to them. I am just saying that there may be trouble ahead.

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