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The Guilty Men

Discussion in 'Plymouth' started by notDistantGreen, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. Greenarmyjoe

    Greenarmyjoe Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Surely if the clown in the middle supposedly got this wrong, why is he not looked at? i suppose they think its only league 2.. It will never change, these players will not stop surrounding the ref as he cant send them all off.. but they should all be booked.. perhaps they need you on the Panel Sensible.. i will vote you on.. Just think of the joy of opening the brown envelopes each week.. christmas every week for the FA and FL members on the panels.. they are worse than the councils and NHS put together.. :emoticon-0146-punch
  2. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    They wouldn't let an outsider in Joe. And I worked for the Council so watch it.
  3. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I did suggest a while back that ALL players who either need the physio or are judged by the ref to need treatment should be removed from the pitch without substitution and should remain off for a set period of time to be administered by the 4th official (what else do they have to do?).

    Any player who stepped off the pitch for treatment without interruption of play should be allowed back on according to the current rule.

    It wouldn't be popular in many quarters but we'd soon see who was really injured and who wasn't.
  4. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Indeed you did notidstant. All I was doing was stealing your idea and passing it off as my own which is common practice in business I thought..........<whistle>

    I appologise.
  5. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I have no objection to recycling Sensible but I got a lot of stick for suggesting it I seem to remember. As the amount of cheating increases year by year and it becomes an official tactic of some teams, it starts to look more attractive doesn't it?
  6. Greenarmyjoe

    Greenarmyjoe Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I see wycombe on BBC breakfast and their manager on a sofa with that Geezer off the show apparently he is their biggest fan <diva>
  7. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Trouble is notdistant, some of the injuries are genuine so a team would get punished twice over if they had to depart for 10 minutes. I just wish there was a way of kicking the cheats but although I think making players go off is one solution it punishes the innocent as well as the guilty and it would never be done. The cheats will sadly win and eventually it will drive people away from football.
  8. Greenarmyjoe

    Greenarmyjoe Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    The game is not Football any more.. its been ruined by Big money greedy players and the cheats.. restrict the foreign players to 3 a team like it use to be and that means we may have a chance as a national team.. I even see a piece on the web about Barcalona being more worried about the prem than any other team? its all to do with the amount of money from the TV rights i believe as the Spanish Goverment have clamped down on the two big clubs.. that wont happen here, as most of our politicians are involved with clubs some how? Also Cameroon has not got any Balls, he needs to grow some and stand up... All this EU crap now for the next 4 months.
  9. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Has anyone else read the comments of Keith Curl after last nights match between Wimbledon and Carlisle. He lost his keeper this time. Scathing about the Ref is putting it mildly. He says he will be reported for refusing to go into the Refs room to "discuss" things. He said it would have been a waste of time and he had a long journey home and there was no point in delaying take off. He says the reward for the last crap ref was a Championship match next and probably that's what this one will get. Is pee'd off that Refs get rewarded for being rubbish or words to that effect.

    Sound familiar to anyone? A lot seem to be saying this sort of thing yet do the FA listen to any of them? Not a f***ing chance even though they have more experience of football than the whole upper tier of the FA put together.
  10. Greenarmyjoe

    Greenarmyjoe Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    They are all deaf Twats when it comes to these situations.. The refs are not fit to do sunday football. or if they did they probably get filled in ...:emoticon-0147-emo::emoticon-0147-emo::emoticon-0146-punch

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