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The Rodgers Out Thread (well sort of)

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by luvgonzo, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. redconn

    redconn Active Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    the players we / he wanted didn't want to come

    we're fishing in the best of the rest pond

    if you want to criticise the owners it's that we can't or won't afford City, Chelsea and United wages. We don't compete there.
  2. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Garay, Song, Remy that are 3 you could have signed that would have all been a better punt than any of your signings, made a huge difference to most of your problems, and wouldn't have broken the bank on wages. What was Suarez's wages out of interest? Huge saving available surely.
  3. Lucaaas

    Lucaaas Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Lovren and Sakho ARE young for centre halves though. Not many are at the top of their game at 24/25.
  4. I may have been taking the piss <whistle> However...

    Lallana is a very good player. Not worth £25m obviously but thats done and dusted and no longer matters, what does matter is how he plays for us and I've got no complaints with Adam.

    Lambert wasn't bought to be a ever present in the first and he's done what is needed of him whenever he has played IMO. He's not of Liverpool standard but he was bought as a stop gap. Not a player I'd have signed and can't call him superb.

    I like Lovren, I think he needs to right partner alongside him. Like with Lallana, he was expensive considering but its done and dusted. Not been great so far but can see he has the ability IMO though.

    Sakho has the ability but needs time. Like with Lallana, he was expensive considering but its done and dusted. Still needs to prove himself at Liverpool though.

    Belotelli was a atrocious signing that should never have been. He simply doesn't fit in any way shape or form. The only way this move makes sense is if Brod decided to change our approach, philosophy and style, this clearly isn't his intention having watched our games this season!

    Of course, we could also focus on the players Rodgers did want but didn't get such as Willian, Costa, The Plank, Henry Ryan, Salah, etc... (you may need to track back over the last years worth of comments if you don't know the nicknames <laugh>)
  5. redconn

    redconn Active Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    You can play that game with any club

    pick the successful / so far so good signings of other clubs and compare them to the ones who didn't settle but cost more

    Suarez was going to be £200k I think starting this year but he left before that kicked in. I think (guessing on what I think I remember) £130ish? was what he was getting paid last season.
  6. Lucaaas

    Lucaaas Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    On the evidence of the season so far Pelle, Sakho or Abel Hernandez would've been better punts than Falcao...

    But it doesn't really work like that. Playing for West Ham, Hull etc is a totally different ball game to playing at Old Trafford or Anfield every week.
  7. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Not really, all those players were available and any manager/scout worth his salt knew how good (or bad) each were back then. You weigh them up and make a decision. Garay for example is an excellent prospect and is/was known by everyone. Him or Lovren? Personally I'm fcked off United didn't go for him. You look at your defensive problems last season, think about Gerrard getting on, and ask yourself is the money better spent on a proven prem mf with a bit of steel and the ability to pick a pass - like Song or is the priority a winger like Markovich or a forward (worse than Robbie Keane) in Lambert?
  8. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I'm not going by the season so far though.

    The 3 players I've mentioned - Song has played for Arsenal and Barcelona (well he's warmed their bench lol), and Garay wouldn't be phased at either of our clubs. But your argument could apply equally as much to any of your signings except Balotelli. And Remy has played for Lyon and had plenty of caps for France.

    Question is guys - was THIS the right time to be buying unknowns or should you have been doing what was necessary to secure 4th spot? Bcos the players you aimed for should have been all about that. Not 8-10 unknowns or players that we knew weren't Liverpool quality.
  9. redconn

    redconn Active Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Every manager/scout knew how good Lovren WAS prior to us buying him. And he was prem proven and excellent. 100% guaranteed banker.

    Except in reality there are no guarantees when a player changes club.
  10. redconn

    redconn Active Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Sahko starts (deservedly) ahead of Kosceilny for France

    is that not 'proven' enough? For us it's been a different story.

    I don't think our defensive problems have much to do with individual quality. We've got confidence problems up to our necks and for some reason set pieces and organisation are a disaster.

    IMO regardless who we bought we'd be having the same issues. We've tried 8-10 centrebacks in the last few years and all of them suffered similarly.

  11. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    The 'proven' thing was only to do with whether a player could raise their game to play for Liverpool. I would say the 3 I've mentioned have played for clubs & competitions enough to merit that. Then it's about who you need (priority for position) and who is judged to be better. For me, and I'd argue most ppl out there - Garay, Remy, Song (who all aren't perfect btw) are still better than most of your signings. If the same choice was offered up at United, I'd say the same. It's like having Shaw or Coentrau? No brainer, should have been Coentrau - except Real wouldn't even loan him to us. Should we have gone for a ready-made replacement for Evra? Coentrau or even Baines would have been exactly that.

    You're right about that last bit though. Maybe that is the problem and it's not individual quality. Lack of leadership you think? Not been the same since Hypia, Carra, Finnan and that great Dane as LB (forget his name) were your back line.

    Anyway, join you tomorrow for The Van Gaal Out Thread <ok>
  12. Noblelox

    Noblelox Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    I'm not quite at the point of demanding him out, but I think he has royally ****ed up several times over.
    Migs is crap, now more and more people are starting to see it, and Pepe was massively better, but he gets sold for next to nothing, just because Rodgers doesn't like him. Selling Agger was a mistake, not even giving Borini a chance, just because he wouldn't leave, all signs of ego gone mad, and I'm sure triggers to cause loss of support from the players. Then you have Mario moaning in the press. None of this ever happens if the players support the manager, the knives are out, and all Rodgers is doing is banging nails into his own coffin. He truly looks like he has lost the plot to me.
  13. Skylarker

    Skylarker PL High Commissioner

    Apr 15, 2011
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    I remember a thread a while back and people were saying if we got CL then how many players ect. should we bring in. Most were saying we needed a complete revamp - I said slowly bring in a couple of players in each window. The revamp happened and it's ****ed us over. Our staring 11 isn't even much different. Except Suarez is missing, and we have a couple of new defenders.

    Rodgers went out and bought a load of players and the dressing room has lost it's spark. No-one ****ing knows each other and it's translating on the pitch. The whole team looks lost, always going to happen with so many incoming. Happened at Spurs, It's happening at Utd, it's happening here.

    I do think a few of our transfers will become successful - but bringing 8 (or however many??) in is pure madness. Should have slowly bought players in and introduced them to the club properly. I bet the dressing room resembles a cattle market.
  14. Stan

    Stan Stalker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    I'm surprised Song ended up at West Ham, no offence meant to the Whammers. There are "bigger" clubs across Europe, ours included, who would have benefited from having him in their squad. He went toe to toe with Yaya (who may have only played in bursts but didn't have a bad game) yesterday and came out at least even.
  15. Milnermino Lamborini

    Milnermino Lamborini Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    People never learn. Lucas, Henderson even Raheem were players people had written off until they got their act together and started performing. The same should apply to Rodgers he just needs time to get things right.

    Players like Markovic Moreno Can Origi are practically very young (20 yrs) and will get better with experience. The FSG policy will serve us much better in the long term and the reality is there will be peaks and troughs in the early periods but once we get going I believe we will be more consistent and a force to reckon with. Evidence suggests that Rodgers is a good coach and this Totenham approach of sacking a manager after a few bad results has never served them anyway.
  16. Sir_Red

    Sir_Red Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think this thread and some of the views are embarrassing and pathetic. Some of you should ask yourselves whether you're genuine supporters. ****ing sad. Didn't see you all moaning at the end of last season
  17. jenners04

    jenners04 I must not post porn!

    Feb 10, 2011
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    its funnier seeing which users are loitering on this thread. i think luv just got frustrated after that shambles yesterday nothing more, but whatever isnt working yet i hope is sorted asap.
  18. luvgonzo

    luvgonzo Pisshead

    Jan 26, 2011
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    We will really see if the FSG policy is one of longevity, I agree we are buying younger players who will need time, therefore the manager needs time so if lets just say we do have a bad season will the owners be patient and accept we are not in the CL or will they back Rodgers? I think that is an interesting question.
  19. luvgonzo

    luvgonzo Pisshead

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Don't hang people for talking about it I have explained that this is more a "I wonder what will,happen if?" type scenario nobody is saying Rodgers out now!

    Yes I'm frustrated but with the poor choices being made at the moment by the manager but he's young and will learn, he has to it quickly though we can't go 2nd to 7th for example. We have to get top 4 again as a minimum requirement imo and at this point we're around that area so lets see what happens.
  20. UnitedinRed

    UnitedinRed Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
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    So hes brought you the dream?

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