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Those trees are tricky - Forest H

Discussion in 'Ipswich Town' started by Westlake33, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. johnnywarksmoustache

    johnnywarksmoustache Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    The question is who would we get in to replace McCarthy? We are seriously fooked my friends thanks to Evans and his hubris. The one thing cheering me up at the moment is that the Budgies are in a right old mess themselves and they've got a million pound squad of players! Troubling times at Town that's for sure! What the fook do we do? Sit on our hands and watch the car crash unfold or do we take direct action and demand the resignation of MM? I say man the barricades and get this Cnut out of our club! Before it's too late! The last 15 years have been fooking hell being a Town supporter!!
  2. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    Curse of Sky,more like the curse of the ****e manager.
    Normal service resumed after the fluke winner at Wednesday.
    Schoolboy defending for their goals(yes you Jonas!)then we huffed and puffed to try and get back in it.MM will no doubt whinge about two penalty shouts on Lawrence,but in reality we got what we deserved out of the game,eff all.
    Mick out!
  3. whitestallionblue73

    whitestallionblue73 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    I can understand the anger and frustration. Got sky this year and today decided to record the match while watching Ireland vs The All Blacks. Well at least the Irish played very well in defeat:azn: Switch over, hoping to see Town playing well against a fragile Forest and within 17secs a goal down:emoticon-0146-punch Started to fast-forward and it got worse and then a sucker punch right before half-time.........:emoticon-0121-angry. Second half we played marginally better but with no cutting edge and never deserved anything from the game. Mick has to make this a watershed. Say to the fans honestly if I GET ANOTHER PERFORMANCE like this again, I will resign forthwith .....
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.
  4. JonahJameson

    JonahJameson Active Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    £80M or somesuch in debt to the ME Group because ME lacked the nous to ignore whatever intergallacticlly dim advisers that wanted to keep Magilton on when it was a perfect time to get rid, then to appoint the two worst managers in our history. Millions wasted on huge transfer outlays and wage contracts when this strategy could have got us up with even a half competent manager in charge. Instead during these potentially happy years we had Magilton, Keane and Jewell backed up by uber-clown Clegg.

    I can see no way out for this club. Nobody will take us over in our current financial state and ME can do nothing to bail us out without causing a revolution within the management and the various owners of the ME Group companies, to whom we owe vast amounts. Our only hope is a one in a million manager able to do something with this shower of a squad and within these dire finances. That manager is patently not Mick.

    It's been 15 years of abject misery and depression. There's absolutely no prospect on the most distant of horizons that this will change.
  5. johnnywarksmoustache

    johnnywarksmoustache Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I'm off to support Cambridge United! <ok>
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.
  6. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    Ipswich 'til I die,I hope I'll still be at Portman Road long after the present shower of ****e is a distant memory.
  7. fieldmarshall

    fieldmarshall Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2011
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    Very disappointed with this inept performance against the team with the second worst defensive record in the division but not surprised at all, I no longer have any expectation of a win no matter who we play.
    We massively over achieved in the last two seasons but I think we have to face facts and accept that this is in the main all we can expect from this rag bag of a team made up of journeymen, free transfers and a couple of loan players, we were better in the second half with a sense of urgency at last but never looked like scoring in fact I don't think Forests keeper had a single save to make in 90 minutes which in any game is disgraceful.
    Williams looked useful but soon faded and Laurence made a few runs which looked impressive but achieved absolutely nothing, there's no quality, passion, or the extra effort needed to make up for it, the years of under investment have caught up with us in a big way and relegation threatens if no improvement is found, and as for a change of manager I don't know if anyone else could turn this situation around let's face it who would come here under the financial restrictions that MM has to work with? You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear that's the truth of it.
  8. Castro Sito

    Castro Sito Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2014
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    I agree fieldmarshall. The only way I can see Mick going is if he loses the dressing room and we're in a true relegation scrap after Christmas. The players have to take responsibility too, particularly for that first goal.
  9. Southcoastoldgaffer

    Southcoastoldgaffer Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Dear oh dear, didnt watch or listen while over here in stormy Margate with my sons on a Boys outing. Frankly, the weather sounds more cheerful than ITFC at the moment! What shocking mess we are in. The one game, the optimists among us believed passionately that with that line-up, our fortunes could perhaps change.

    This forum has the most knowledgeable, passionate, committed, witty, at times irreverent, bunch of pals one could wish to share sports stuff with. The overall view is What next, What can we do?

    1. I believe MM has lost the dressing room now, in spite of all the PR
    2. He has lost the fans
    3. The club finances are in a mess, with serious debt to ME et al
    4. The current modus operandi is unsustainable
    5. We want our proud Club back

    .....some of us cant wait for another 10 years turnaround, let alone 5 years minimum needed for new owner, new structure, new investment, drop down a league and steadily re-build.

    I think the time has come for supporters direct action of some sort. Short of getting a magnificent Suffolk Punch to parade around the Town - I probably could - I fear I do not have the energy to give such an initiative. I can help with draft letters, campaigning etc.

    Timing is irrelevant imo. Do we want to wait for another series of depressing results, false hopes,and underachievement?
    If I was in MM's shoes - and he is a decent man- I would be having serious chats with the missus and think about letting go - like words on Monday with the boss.

    But, as some have asked, Who next? Personally I would favour a much younger, even overseas manager, against the dead wood sculling around our football basements.
    It cant get much worse, can it?

    WEIGHTY CRIMSON PLUM Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I think we should sell Bishop at the earliest opportunity as I think he is only gonna get worse.

  11. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    On recent showings he's not going to attract attention from anyone above,say,Colchester
  12. johnnywarksmoustache

    johnnywarksmoustache Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    <applause> Excellent post Gaffer indeed the best I have read on here for many a year! It's up to us fans now to galvanize and demand the changes that are necessary to save our great club! To say that we are stagnating is an understatement and the fans are leaving in their droves! It was like a morgue at Portman Road last night. There is so much wrong and so little time to put things right. The blame for this surely rests with Evans and his incompetency when it comes to football. He should have the bloody balls to hold a press conference and talk directly to us poor fans about his plans for our beloved football club. We've had too many excuses and false dawns over the past 10 years FFS. We must be THE mist boring football club to support in all 5 divisions! Apathy us killing our club and it's all down to Evans who doesn't care less and Mick who seems happy to go along with this so long as he picks up his Million pound a year wage cheque! I'm so fooking annoyed this morning!
  13. Spanish

    Spanish Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Problem is Warky, as i have said for ages, there are far too many Ipswich fans that dont like to rock the boat. Its not the Ipswich way to chop and change management but its about time we got out of that mindset and took action. Look at watford, how many managers have they had in last five years? Hasn't hurt them tho has it, actually they continue to progress!
    I also believe that MM has lost the dressing room and i dont care what the players tell the fans, there is no way the players are giving their all, not going on what i witnessed yesterday!
  14. johnnywarksmoustache

    johnnywarksmoustache Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Yeah you're right Spanish we are just far too nice!
    San Diego likes this.
  15. fieldmarshall

    fieldmarshall Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2011
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    Great post gaffer, and you're right we can't go on like this so something has to change and that's from an on the pitch perspective, off the pitch it's also the same, what business could afford the huge losses we allegedly incur year after year with so little investment being put in? Vast amounts of money gained from the sale of players disappear to God knows where, Mings, Cresswell, Murphy, Wickham, and Rhodes generated over £25M which is hardly pin money.
    We are desperately short of quality players thanks to the continuing policy of minimum amounts if any being made available for new players so when decent players are sold and not replaced with equally decent players if at all then the quality pool is continually degraded until we get to where we are now, a new manager? Possibly but who would want to work for a clearly disfunctional Company? New owner? Definitely it's hard to believe that ME can sleep walk his way to huge annual losses whilst his personal wealth rockets, do the decent thing ME sell up to a progressive forward thinking management who want to take the Club forward and show the Club, the fans, and Ipswich some respect.
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.
  16. Spanish

    Spanish Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    One more thing, 15000 yrsterday, i dont think so, more like 12000, the ground was empty!
  17. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    And we'll continue to lose fans at this rate.I met someone today who'd followed the Town for 46 years but decided not to renew his Season Ticket last year.My brother in law is talking about not renewing next Season.Cant ME see he has alienated his customers completely by his lassaiz faire attitude to the running of the Club?
    Southcoastoldgaffer and Spanish like this.
  18. San Diego

    San Diego Sir Mediator
    Forum Moderator

    Apr 2, 2011
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    Recorded the game and watched it when I got home from work last night, wish I hadn't wasted my bloody time!

    A terrible ****in' match that left me embarrassed to be an Ipswich supporter.
    First goal was a joke, Berra more interested in putting his hand up for offside than staying with the runner that just slid past him. Knudsen at fault for playing him onside too.
    Absolutely no drive going forwards, Teddy was begging for the ball from the CBs and I saw him show his unhappiness at not getting it. He didn't do anything good with the ball anyway but he looked like he was pissed off at not being passed to.
    Counter attacks were performed at a snails pace with far too many players slowing the game down needlessly, it was so frustrating to watch.

    No ideas, no drive and no quality. Matches don't sound that bad on the radio but if that's what the fans are watching every week then it's no surprise to see so many empty seats in the stadium.

    Emmanuel didn't deserve to be on the losing team. He showed that he is more than ready for Championship football. Built like a CB he looks strong and did some good work down the right hand side. Any mistakes he made I can overlook due to his age and experience.
    Lawrence at least tried to run with the ball and go at the defenders.

    I've been calling for ME's head for ages, I can't stand him being our owner and the quicker he sells, the happier I'll be.
    Mick needs to go as well. I don't care how much money is available, there's no excuse for the football being played.
  19. johnnywarksmoustache

    johnnywarksmoustache Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Great Post SD <ok>

    Thank god Bobby and Alf aren't alive now to witness how poor we have become and how the owner has destroyed the tremendous legacy they left us with.
    Southcoastoldgaffer likes this.
  20. itfcptc

    itfcptc Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    However much we have lacked investment that was not a bad team we had out there on Saturday with some decent quality.

    The defence was atrocious and with Berra and Chambers we should've expected better. Knudson is beyond useless.

    But the rest of the team, on the ball that was horrific, do we actually practice passing at tempo or crossing for that matter?

    Off the ball Micks teams are usually pretty good with players not shirking the responsibility of tracking back and doing the dirty work. However on the ball we lack courage and no one took responsibility for the ball. We have good players turning there back on the ball or showing a lack of movement like they don't want the ball so the player on the ball has a lack of options meaning we had to hoof it (but to who?) or play around with it at the back.

    Then there were the strikers or attacking players who never seemed to be in the box. We were on the attack a reasonable amount but how was it that sears was the only one in the box all the time? And the play was so slow with players taking so many touches of the ball against one of the worst defences in the league. For me this play stems from the manager, he clearly for years hasn't put a lot of emphasis on passing and movement and it's come to bite him on the but.

    For all the lack of investment Mick has now actually put together a half decent squad who should be able to produce better performances than a Sunday league pub team!!
    fieldmarshall and Bigalreigned like this.

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