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Off Topic Trumpy pumpy.

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by LuisDiazgamechanger, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    Is that the best you could ****ing manage? really? <laugh>

    Doctors tend to form their own opinions on NHS privatisation btw.

    Oh and untl the last election the Tories had more support than Labour amongst GPs, but from 2015 to 2017 they lost over 20% of their support, no doubt due to their woeful performance when it comes to the NHS......and not due to some imaginary influence from their Univeristy lecturers, way back when......
  2. Solid Alboland

    Solid Alboland Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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  3. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    If you go onto the website he mentions - air wars, there’s a graph of supposed civilian casualties, for March 2018 it shows over 1800, and then there’s a link that says it lists all of the reports, which when you click on it and view March 2018 has a maximum civilian estmate at a total of 21. Go figure.
  4. terrifictraore

    terrifictraore Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    No wonder GP's liked the tories for a while, they boosted their salaries massively for those that ran surgeries ( GP fundholders maybe?) . seeing as most (maybe all) GP's aren't employed by the NHS I think using them as a barometer is more likely to be the impact it had on their income/workload rather than them having left/right tendencies.

    As for these doctors who "tend to form their own opinions" where do the influences that shape these opinions come from?
    As you still claim that the people who taught them about medicine made no difference, no wonder you didn't respond re the other topics.
  5. Solid Alboland

    Solid Alboland Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    i went to the trouble of going thru the daily reports and can't remember the total figure but it was way less than 100 even allowing for the "poor" verification incidents and using the maximum (some are list as 2-20 for example) figure.
  6. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    It was 21 civilians at the maximum estimates quoted.
  7. Solid Alboland

    Solid Alboland Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    not according to the daily reports <laugh>

    think that it might be the report you're quoting (that i haven't seen) is quoting only the "verified" figures.
  8. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Don't worry about it lads. The liberal left would be all over CNN showing us the poor civilians if it were true......

  9. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    So the mystery of why the tree Trump planted with Macron disappeared has been solved.

    Allegedly he had it dug up and hired Russian prostitutes to pee on it. :bandit:
  10. Angry_Physics

    Angry_Physics Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2018
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    The calls for Trump to get the Nobel are as ridiculous as Obama getting the Nobel for doing nothing. The Nobel committee are irrelevant, the peace prize is irrelevant, especially when they have given it to multiple murdering ****s, just cos they stopped murdering people for 5 minutes, and gave Obama one before he did anything, who then went on to murder and cause the death of 10s of thousands.

    There is another element to this whole thing worth considering.
    Both Un and the South Korean president, a lefty, want US troops ect out of South Korea.. I think that is what is driving this, and I think the South Korean leader is buying Un's horseshit. I think the media are buying Un's horseshit, and tbh the liberal media's fawning over these NK monsters at the winter olympics made me want to vomit

    Meanwhile the media are kind of allowing this to water down the fact that even if he gets rid of nukes, his apparatus is still going to murder and torture people. If you offend the state they will still lock you up, your kids and your parents, 3 generation they lock up, to dissuade you from being a "bad citizen", though if he does get rid of nukes some sanctions might be lifted, which at least would benefit a starved population, North Koreans being on average a sizeable bit shorter than South Koreans. even though they are the same people genetically up up to the split of the country.

    I think Un knew the lefty SK leader wanted US influence and forces out of South Korea and is playing him like a bell end.

    Not putting anything bad on the SK leader for being a lefty, I am anti war, I just think his desire to get the US out of South Korea (as he sees it as helping to continue the cold front) is allowing him to be played. Someone with a good nature and good intentions and a desire to "bring peace" and leave a legacy, just might be susceptible to being played that bit more because the carrot of no Nuclear war is a massive carrot to dangle in front of him.

    Either way, it's not as simple as the media are making out in any way shape or form. Getting the US out of SK would be a massively desirable thing for the North Korean communist regime
    Last edited: May 1, 2018

  11. Angry_Physics

    Angry_Physics Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2018
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    independent anti war organisation.
    "Monitoring and assessing civilian harm from airpower-dominated international military actions. Seeking transparency and accountability from belligerents, and advocating on behalf of affected non-combatants. Archiving open-source casualty reports, and military claims by nations."

    I said Air wars in my post did I not? <doh> All you had to do was google anti war airwars.

    I suspect you are thinking it's false rather than wanting to know if it's true, because otherwise you would have checked for yourself. tut tut

    6 THOUSAND men women and kids and even unborn babies, and nothing from our media, yet mere allegations of Assad killing 30 people (and the "internet posts by Al Qaeda controlled areas" being the evidence!) and everyone loses their mind and we fire more missiles. Well at least the weapon's manufacturers are happy, which means Charlie boy (who sells billions in weapons for the manufacturers, and Roger Carr of the BBC trust (BAE Systems) are happy

    We've dropped 107 THOUSAND bombs and missiles on 2 foreign countries, with a massive proportion of them on areas with civilians in them.

    Ugh it never changes, here is what the US air force did to Cambodia while Watergate consumed the media, the massacre really began in the last 5 years of the war. Everyone remembers watergate, no one knows about this, which happened at the same time
    please log in to view this image

    When are we not bombing other countries is the question n Russia is supposed to be the threat to global stability..

    and Obama sold 19 billion in weapons to developing nations... the bomb targets and child wars and genocides of tomorrow <doh>
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  12. Angry_Physics

    Angry_Physics Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Carla Ortiz went to Aleppo and she reports no one knows who the hell the white helmets are, and tells us they are embedded with the terrorists, and the UK foreign office, we know funds these ****ers with millions, your tax ££ paying for terrorists to produce propaganda.
    A socialist I do agree with, on many things, Jimmy Dore with Carla Ortiz

    Almost everything the media report on Syria is propaganda.BBC is one of the worst offenders, a war mongering outfit since day one, and lied Britain into Iraq, and no one seemed to notice, BBC's war propaganda has been a massive operation for 30 years

    So called "liberal media" always back war, yes right wing media do too, but aren't liberals supposed to be anti war?
    BBC IS the government, if the state wants war, then BBC does, that has been patently obvious.

    The Gulf war was delivered to us as a very long war movie, it's sick

    meanwhile the so called anti war Guardian, has run two pieces defending the white helmets saying there is a "conspiracy" against them to paint them as bad guys despite the overwhelming evidence that they are terrorists just like the Islamist forces, they steal from the dead and living and produce the most ludicrous propaganda videos. The Guardian running war propaganda.. amazing

    Same journalist
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  13. Angry_Physics

    Angry_Physics Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2018
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    You prob have me on ignore, expecting no reply. EchochamberOnly :bandit:

    The Dossier was the Clinton campaign solicited and funded, was produced by Clintons using GPS who used foreign state ex spy Steel who dealt with "Russian state actors" to compile it.
    #inconvenient, Russia collusion, by the Clinton campaign <ok>
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  14. Angry_Physics

    Angry_Physics Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2018
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  15. Solid Alboland

    Solid Alboland Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    strangely i do know how to do a basic internet search which was all it took to know the figure you quoted in the post i replied to was incorrect which i suspect you have now realised and are just trying to cover up your **** up with another long winded rant. tut tut.
    You have no idea of my views on Syria since i haven't expressed them on this forum and the reason i checked was because the 1000 figure you quoted seemed very unlikely with the current situation in Syria.
  16. Angry_Physics

    Angry_Physics Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Professor on MSNBC stuns panel by telling the truth lol, didn't get the war drum script.

    Everything he says is exactly what I said in 2012 on here, to be called a conspiracy theorist. <doh>
    CIA and British intelligence started this was and used the Saudis and militant groups. Operation Timber Sycamore was the operation by the CIA and British intelligence to overthrow Assad. British and US intelligence services, pentagon, Foreign Office killed 600,000 people and displaced 14 million

    but meh I guess

    As this was a liaison mission, MI6 did not have to report it to British politicians. That's the rules.

  17. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    i bet he is like those archaeologists who have realised you make more money shouting it was aliens than digging in 40 degree heat for shards of pottery.

    i bet this guy is creaming the cash feeding the circuit with his info.
  18. Angry_Physics

    Angry_Physics Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Which guy?
  19. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    Donald Trump DID know about a $130,000 payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels and reimbursed his lawyer Michael Cohen, Rudy Giuliani sensationally admitted last night.
    The slip-up came during a live TV interview in which Giuliani, a long-time friend of Trump's who has recently joined his legal team, was trying to explain why the payment was not a problem for the President.
    In an interview with Trump ally Sean Hannity on Fox News, Giuliani maintained that the $130,000 was "perfectly legal
    Milk not bear jizz likes this.
  20. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    The professor who is shouting all about war stories. If he had REAL info he'd have published and made millions he is putting 2 and 23 together and hawking it around.

    Its pure supposition for me but if a guy had real state secrets and is rabbiting it about he'd be in the Ecuadorian embassy on some trumped up charges not on MSNBC

    Take your pick on the ancient aliens shows on TV.. theres guys who have realized theres a killing to be made sat in a studio mouthing off about sites rather than digging for real knowledge.
    terrifictraore likes this.

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