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Vote to scrap VAR next month

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Dave_39, May 15, 2024.

  1. gelders pie

    gelders pie Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    As City’s voice will be noted most , it’ll depend on wether they win or lose the title on a VAR decision on Sunday
  2. Oliver's Army

    Oliver's Army Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Get it gone. Its an abomination
  3. LD19SAFC

    LD19SAFC Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2021
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  4. Neil

    Neil Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    They could learn something by talking to the rugby boys. It doesn't seem to spoil the game there. Mind you, they're doing that with their tackling rules instead
  5. cumbrianmackem

    cumbrianmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Used to enjoy watching the Rugby now I'm just mystified at the new tackling rules, spoilt the game imo.
    Blond Bombshell likes this.
  6. samwise_new

    samwise_new Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    the wolves statement pretty much sums it up.

    i was always against it being used because i had a feeling it would turn out exactly the way it has...if it has to stay (and it sounds very much like the FA or whoever do not want to lose it) then it needs a complete overhaul, clear and obvious errors - meaning something the officials should have seen and not for a hairy toenail offside call or a handball when the ball is hit into a crowd and bounces around.

    use it to stamp out the cheating, never mind calling it 'game management' hand out cards after the game if needed but let's stop all this falling over after a slight touch, there is an obvious difference between a 'hack' and a fair tackle...the fact that some players start appealing to the officials the second they start to go down, i mean, how the feck do you actually do that unless you know it is going to happen and you are prepared for it, we all played plenty of football (on our local green it was usually lads from 7 or 8 years old alongside lads of 15/16) we all took knocks and we got up, give ourselves a rub down and got back after the ball and that is what i feel we would prefer to see, there is plenty of skill on show in football but why spoil it with cheating?
  7. LD19SAFC

    LD19SAFC Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2021
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  8. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Sadly, I don't know that they'll want to open that can of worms. Conning the referee is considered an art and an admired skill in some parts of the world- its referred to as furbo in Italy. As football has become increasingly globalised, so concepts like that have spread. I think its truly ingrained now and it's only our English sense of fair play that rails against it. VAR would constantly be interrupting the game to sort it out.
    samwise_new likes this.
  9. TopCat_

    TopCat_ Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    VAR as a concept is vital to football going forward.
    VAR in it's current guise is unusable. The rules and laws of the game were not written to have this level of microscopic analysis applied to them.
    Look at the offside law - striker can't be nearer the goal than the defender to stop him/her getting an advantage etc etc etc
    VAR determines that an earlobe or an elbow is "offside" when it's no advantage at all.
    The lawmakers and the VAR folk need to sit down and simplify the rules to make VAR a workable solution.
    I'd like to see something similar to "Umpire's Call" introduced for offsides - so you have a zone of about a foot wide where it's seen as an allowable distance to ignore any potential offside, meaning a shoulder or a heel slightly ahead of the defender is ignored. That (IMHO) would solve 95% of the offside issues that we currently see.
  10. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Interesting. What makes you say that? Personally, I think it undermines the very factor that has made it the most popular game in the world.

  11. TopCat_

    TopCat_ Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    I say that because every top flight game is televised these days. Every one of those games has about 30 cameras recording every angle on every incident. Without VAR, these incidents will be highlighted anyway (in the way they were before VAR came in) which will lead to pressure on the authorities to correct these mistakes. At elite level sport you want the right outcomes in every game. VAR allows that, the absence of VAR means mistakes will happen, clubs will get relegated or lose cup finals due to human error which is wrong.
  12. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Interesting. I'd have said that human error is an acceptable part of the sport. Team sports are about human interactions and human abilities, so reliance on humans to adjudicate in them seems natural to me. Games can be won and lost on the human error of players and coaches, so it should be the same for the officials. I would also have said that the application of technology in elite sport makes the elite level too far removed from the grass roots level and almost a different game. The beauty of football is its simplicity, the limited equipment required for the game, and the fact that it's the same game at all levels. I feel that VAR is less about sport and more about money. Interesting subject though.
  13. Gil T Azell

    Gil T Azell Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Did the initial idea of something like VAR not come into play following the abomination of Lampards goal against Germany which was about 3 n a half mile over the line.

    VAR can work if the operators know what they are doing. Put the lines up instantly, put it on the big screens, put the audio on so the fans can here whats being said but after saying all that scrap the fkn thing.

    It has totally taken the passion out of football. ffs you used to be able to jump up in the air screaming your head off, waving your arms about, hugging whoever was in the vicinity. Now you have to look at 2 linesmen and a ref to see if you can stand and cheer.

    I cannot see it being voted out but I hope to f*ck it is.
  14. samwise_new

    samwise_new Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    true enough, but i was thinking 'after game officials' so to speak.

    VAR is doing enough damage already without counting on it handling anything else...not sure how it could/would be set up, even just a couple of fans from each side (maybe supporter group leaders) invited to view certain 'fouls' and decide the call on them.

    also, your post regarding human error has always been a massive part of the game and any main talking point coming away from the match was mostly directed at the officials but (and i think this is important) we also realised that they have a hard job having to make an instant call and that they will get some wrong...this cheating is simply making a damn hard job very much harder.
    The Norton Cat likes this.
  15. John Wick

    John Wick Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2020
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    VAR is simple as f**k. Ref refs the game without anyone other than the lino. IF the referee isn't sure about something he then calls for VAR. The problem has been that VAR has been there monitoring the game on behalf of the ref and the ref has been nothing more than a visual version of VAR. Let the ref ref the game, get shot of all this phase of play ****e and the referee on the pitch manages the game. If the on field ref requires a second opinion, he will ask for it. VAR should've always been last chance saloon, instead it took over. If the lino flags for offside, that should be it, if the ref didn't see an old fashioned hand ball then tough ****. Very simple concept ruined. Let the officials official, and VAR speaks when spoken too.
  16. Arlyman

    Arlyman Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2019
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    For offside, the best suggestion I heard was to have the AR decide on their own, and only involve VAR if there is 'separation' between the forward and the defender - ie if the forward is so far off-side that you can see grass between him and the defender.

    This is not the same thing as only being offside if there is separation. The offside is still the same as now, it's just that an AR error is only corrected if it is really, really bad.

    That is what I thought VAR is for, to correct the really bad stuff that happens in one to two games one or two times a season.

    I REALLY wish they would do it this way, but the idea doesn't seem to be getting a lot of traction.
  17. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Oh yeah, retrospective action for diving etc might work.

    Completely agree with your last paragraph.
    samwise_new and Blond Bombshell like this.
  18. DH4

    DH4 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    VAR came in for one reason, and one reason only.... Television and "pundits" :emoticon-0102-bigsm
    samwise_new, Daz and Blond Bombshell like this.
  19. Grizzled Wanderer

    Grizzled Wanderer Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2024
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    There's nothing wrong with the technology, it's how it's being used that's the problem. That's what needs to change.

    If this goes through we'll be complaining about getting done by referees week after week, right back to the bad old days.
  20. monty987

    monty987 Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Gordon won't be happy ! he did get caught there though but dives the other times. I want shot of VAR it's a nuisance, and Man u for the F A cup next week keeps them out of Europe
    The Norton Cat likes this.

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