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Were we, the fans, just so desperate...

Discussion in 'Southampton' started by fatletiss, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. fatletiss

    fatletiss Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    ... To beat Harry on Saturday, that we are feeling a little winded or deflated?

    There have been a lot of threads that, without being wholly negative, have certainly been looking at the negative facts or appearing glass half empty. I was desperate to win Saturday. All morning I had an extra butterfly in my stomach as I really did want to stick one over on Harry and put another nail in his relegation coffin. I wanted the media to stop loving him, afterall I'm a saints fan and of course I'm a bit anti-Redknapp.

    But we lost. To make it worse for a fan, we lost with a bit of a whimper.

    With the glass half full though, it's the first poor performance I've seen since Pochettino came. We have played Everton, United, Wigan, City, Newcastle and QPR, playing excellent in three of those, very well in two and one poor game. Disappointing it had only brought five points but not a disaster.

    Bring on the next ten games please. I'm looking forward more to a Premier League scrap than a league one or championship promotion scrap.

    I really do think we were just so desperate to beat Harry. He who laughs last.
  2. fatletiss

    fatletiss Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Oh mods can you change title to "Were we" please ... Bloody phones!
  3. lamby

    lamby Needs a cold shower

    Oct 3, 2011
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    Says it all for me FLT! Facts are if we play the way we did against United, City we will STAY UP!
  4. fran-MLs little camera

    fran-MLs little camera Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    I don't expect to get up in the morning all bleary eyed to see an errant apostrophe:smile: This was a game we were desperate tp win, but so were they for different reasons. Not the cause of defeat, but all the publicity about the stick Harry would get and those apparent lies about their training cap didn't help. We are so used to Saints looking exciting that we were bound to be disappointed in a poorer showing. We still had more of the game, but goals are scored in seconds. Following on from the defeat at Newcastle didn't help either. As fans, we always overreact. If we get 3-4 points from next 3 games, we will still be on track.
  5. Beddy

    Beddy Plays the percentage

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sadly probably because of our defeat of City......a lot of our fans considered us to be the all conquering all out football team of the century.
    So many of us tried to warn them there is a long way to go and a relegation scrap always produces surprises, upsets, unexpected results as teams put in that extra effort and go all out for survival.
    Anyone see the City/Villa game last night.......did the Villa's young team bring back any memories of when we were last relegated from the premier? I thought they played well basically made one error and paid for it.
    Does any of that sound familiar?
    Each game we play now is a six pointer, doesn't matter who we are playing. The football management know what they have to do just as we fans know what we have to do. We have a good team, we have good management (or so we are told) Lets just get behind the players as we have been doing in the past.
    Saturday's game was a kick in the teeth the players will have felt it just as much as we did. The trouble on Saturday seems to have been caused by the fans wanting to beat QPR for their reasons. The team wanting to win for theirs........We didn't fight and play as a unit. Anyone will tell you unless you do you will be doomed.
    Saturday starts another chapter and another chance to help win the war of the relegation teams. Saturday was just one lost battle it 'ain't lost us the war.................
  6. KingslandKate

    KingslandKate Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Well said Beddy, let's get behind the players as we have done all year and see what happens come 6pm on the 19th May.

  7. pass the football

    pass the football Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I don't care about Redknapp. I don't like him but it pains me much more that we lost a game we should have won, than who we lost to.
  8. ----HistoryRepeating----

    ----HistoryRepeating---- Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2011
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    Agreed. Giving them hope was more painful that 'Arrys air punching.i
  9. dman

    dman Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I felt that Harry could well put one over on us on Sat. Love him or loathe him he can get a team doing things for him most of the time. He who laughs last etc is often a very true saying and i was half expecting it to go how it did. He got his tactics pretty right, his defence played well, his forwards got some rub of the green and we played well below par - apart from Jack Cork who was once again gave it his all in the middle.
    For us onwards to Carrow Road to tackle a team with a really nice boss ! Lets hope that we are not nice to him at all.
  10. Channon walked on H2O

    Channon walked on H2O Active Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    Quite right. So glad I missed this as I've only just logged on. An errant apostrophe from Lamballana would only have compounded my post-Harry match depression. Standards, please. It might not be terribly gallant to point out the typo in your post, Fran. I shall allow it to pass as your analysis is, as so often, spot on. This is Saints supporting tooth and claw. Present them with a banana skin and they go rear over chest every time. Bring on Liverpool and Chelsea - two home bankers!

    I'm off to watch the United game on TV with a French mate who insists on calling them "Manchester" (cue heavy French accent and hot panting from Mrs Godders) and doesn't understand football. Is this any way to lift a cloud? The medicinal qualities of a good Bordeaux are about to be tested.

  11. OddRiverOakWizards

    OddRiverOakWizards Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    My only concern is that under Adkins we had a very good record against the bottom sides, which we needed, under the new boss we will have to wait and see.

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