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What needs to happen IMO

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by poolie_mackem, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. poolie_mackem

    poolie_mackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Alright chaps been away for a couple of days so aint had a chance to get online untill now and I have just been reading the articles in the journal and sunderland echo with interviews from Bruciem Brown and Bardo to name a few.

    I am totally sick of hearing about all the new players and it takes time and our season starts now. IMO that is a poor excuse, since Brucie has been at the club each summer transfer window he has signed a boatload of players but this year he has come out with this takes time rubbish. At the end of the day our season started on the 13th August against Liverpool not the end of November.

    I also hear Brucie talking about our strike force of last year being probably the best we have ever had at the club to what we have now, again more excuses, Brucie is the manager and he couldn't do anything about the Bent departure but his summer recruitment has been pretty uninspiring. Our transfers on a whole have been pretty average to say the least and seem like they have been signed without a lot of thought. We have gone from a squad last season that was a strong, powerfull, quick team that could get the ball forward quickly and had goals upfront to what? A team that look composed at the back but couldn't score in Amsterdam? I said it before and will say it again, Brucie's summer transfer policy should of been about building a squad that can go out and win games, make the SoL a fortress and no team will want to play there as they will have to play well to even get a draw but it seems we have gone down the route of a team that is hard to beat. That might be acceptable at Wigan and Birmingham but not at Sunderland but what do we know as Brucie has said our aims are far to high.

    For me its time for Brucie to go, bring in a new manager and not a Hughes or O'Neil as they for me would be not much better than Brucie and let them build there squad. On the whole Brucie has done a decent job but its the end of the road. Something is wrong at the club if we keep losing all of our top players and I wouldn't be suprised if Sess is the next, he came when we were around 6th and now look at us, I wouldn't be suprised if the lad has thought why the f**k did I sign for these all the work I do and whats the point no1 can find the back of the net.

    Looking at our squad there is only Sess that I would be gutted about if they left, the rest I wouldn't bat an eyelid if we moved them on, we have gone from the likes of Lorik Cana, John Mensah, Asamoah Gyan, Sully Muntari (might of been average in his time with us but is a quality player), Darren Bent, Kenwyne Jones to what we have now. Serious thought needs to go into our transfer policy for the next 2,3,4 transfer windows, what type of team do we want to be and how do we want to play? For me want to see is a bit similar to last season with a team that is physically strong but athletic who can get the ball back to front quite quickly and not to worry about lack of goals, add to that a bit of experience who can help us see out the last 10-15mins when the pressure is on and address pace and creativity in the middle of the park. At the minute I wouldn't like to say what our transfer policy is :S

    Come on Ellis, you have been first class so far, time to sack Bruce and get the cheque book out
  2. InBruceWeTrusted

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Agree Poolie, I have nothing against Bruce as a bloke and genuinely do feel he has our best interests at heart but he just doesnt know his best team after 3 seasons in charge and he bangs on about "expectation of the North East" but we only want a team who is strong at home and isnt in a relegation battle/flirt every season, sick of looking backwards instead of forwards.
  3. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Prepare to be gutted mate..
  4. HorsleyHillCat

    HorsleyHillCat Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Of course Sess will leave, he must be thinking he could do better than this
  5. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    He's the one we are most in danger of losing...
  6. parkersafc

    parkersafc Active Member

    May 6, 2011
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    I think its only a matter of time before sess agent starts yapping to the press and touting away. In a good team with two good forwards sess would be dynamite. Hopefully we can keep him and bring in a quality striker to play with Bendtner and we can have a canny second half of the season.

    Im still of the opinion that the sooner Bruce goes the better, it would be the only silver lining if Saturday doesn't go to plan but Saturday is bigger than Bruce and we simply must win or we are f****d
  7. adz_safc

    adz_safc Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I would only be upset if Wesley Brown left us, without him we would be awful at the back as well.

    Sessegnon flatters to deceive for me, lots of turns, too many turns for that matter then he's tackled, has the odd good game don't get me wrong but I don't think he's all that. Also nearly 1 year down the line and we still can't get him playing well consistently in one position, that's no criticism of Bruce mind just think he blows hot and cold when he's interested.
  8. parkersafc

    parkersafc Active Member

    May 6, 2011
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    I can find criticism for Bruce there, he's into his 3rd year and he still doesn't know his best team tactics or formation thus sess is going from left right upfront cos Bruce doesnt have a clue.

    I think 90%+ would say that from what we have seen Sess should be starting wide left with larsson right and two strikers upfront. How many times has Bruce chose to do that this season?

    A good manager would have had us beat wba, villa and Fulham im certain of that
  9. Tel (they/them)

    Tel (they/them) Sucky’s Bailiff

    May 11, 2011
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    I've just had a quick glimpse of Steve Bruce's wikipedia page, most notably his achievement statistics as a manager.

    So it's fair to say that your club is the biggest he has managed although many Birmingham fans will argue that. It's also fair to say he hasn't managed a club who have offered him big budgets until he started to manage Sunderland.

    What surprised me is that he is currently undergoing his worst spell in his managerial career. I've always thought what you're getting is no more, or no less than what Bruce is capable of but it appears I'm wrong; He's certainly giving you lot a rough deal, with only a 29.9 win percentage whilst at the reins.

    He hasn't fluctuated in terms of percentage too much from his Wigan days, but surely being at the helm of a bigger team in every sense, having more money available and having a club capable of attracting bigger names than Wigan, with all due respect, he should be achieving better results.

    He is clearly resting on his laurels at your club, taking each and every opportunity to offer up excuses as to why he isn't delivering. This got me thinking about whether this would wash in the real world, outside of football, say at a big insurance corporation. Well it wouldn't would it? If he failed to match his track record, from previous years he would have his nuts chopped up and fried with his p45.

    The guy has had every chance to make things work, and taking into account the OP's comments regarding players that have left, it would seem your manager is taking you in the polar opposite direction as to where you should be going with progression.

    I loved the guy as a player, he epitomised what United were all about at the back - a complete no-nonsense, tough tackling, heart on his sleeve warrior, but he's collapsed in every sense and I can now fully understand that you guys deserve better, and furthermore if I was Ellis Short I wouldn't trust this guy with my chequebook any longer.
  10. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Simple question Mr Man U..

    Are your lot gonna beat them at the weekend?

  11. parkersafc

    parkersafc Active Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Re the stats. Don't forget season in the champ with brum will flatter him
  12. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    ****ing hell 29.9 is ****, i could do better with Cest

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