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What's the off season schedule?

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by invermeremike, May 2, 2017.

  1. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    We all know that change is coming, whether we like it or not, and being so far away from the roots of the game leaves me a bit ill informed at times, so what is the schedule during the summer? When can we start shipping players out and when can we bring in the replacements and how do the transfer windows fit in with our plans? During the summer break can we transfer players in and out without interference from the authorities?

    It will be interesting as to where we go from here and my need for reliable up to date information is essential in my tracking of my favourite team. Buckle up for the ride and I hope it takes us to a better place after a season I want to forget.
  2. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It's been a shocker for long periods Mike and it will live long in the memory for all of the wrong reasons.

    Like Wiz and others on here, I have become seriously disillusioned with a lot of football in general and with City in particular. This season has divided the most staunch of supporters because it's been so appallingly handled from the top.

    So I took to watching the Vanarama (Conference) League on BT Sports on a Saturday lunchtime and that has given me more pleasure than anything else as this season went by. No overpaid Primadonas, little or no diving or cheating, just honest endeavour, and what Lincoln have achieved this year has been epic.

    But back to City, our owner has said there will be no mega spending so we'll see what happens.
  3. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    It's time for me to pull the plug on most things to do with football because I'm just fed up with the whole process from players, agents and owners and all the way to what the game has become. The salaries being dished out by the shed load today to ungrateful selfish rear ends combined with the greed of agents and broadcasters has left a lingering bad taste in my mouth for several years and it's time to stop the rot. Finding a single cause of my discontent is virtually impossible, and although the days of the likes of Big John have gone forever never to resurface, it would be nice to see respect return to the sport but money has got in the way and no amount of it can return the beautiful game as it used to be.

    Like you angelic I enjoyed watching Lincoln City during their great cup run and it reminded me of how it used to back in the day. The younger crowd on here will berate us for living in the past, and good on them because they are the future, but I still like the days of local players being supported by local followers when you weren't being strangled to death by overpaid non-committed players who in most cases don't give a frog's arse about the shirt that pays them their ransom. I dream of the day when Ashton Gate is filled to the brim to watch City vs Man Utd, and their star studded superstars, and our local lads coming out on top and making the football world raise it's collective head and saying that this should be the mould for the future.

    Dream on Mike and get your head out of that dark place and realise that the world as you knew it has changed, and not for the better. Ah well there's always next season to wake up and smell the roses but even they have lost their charm.
  4. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    With you all the way mate. I read a story a couple of days ago although my shocking memory prevents me from remembering who the player actually was (!) but basically he's currently on £55k a week, and Everton (I think) were prepared to buy him and to pay him £140k a week, but he was holding out for £170k a week. That for me says it all.

    I'm sure the likes of Gerry Gow and Geoff Merrick would have played for City for free. It used to mean something. A bit like being capped by your country, which has also become a joke to some players.

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