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Who do you support in the NFL?

Discussion in 'American Football' started by pompeymeowth, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. (Conor)

    (Conor) Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Just what is the situation with Tebow? Seen so much being said in the press from both sides and it's hard to know what's actually going on.
  2. inkedupp

    inkedupp Active Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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    QPR, if you were born in New York how the hell did you become a QPR fan?!? funnily enough the jets would be my 2nd favourite team. I've got a joe namath replica shirt. the famous green number 12 which I wear all the time.
  3. pompeymeowth

    pompeymeowth Prepare for trouble x
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Hi JKCanary welcome on board. One more Miami fan for the list!

    Have a blast!
  4. inkedupp

    inkedupp Active Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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    tebow broke 2 ribs didn't he? it appears he only comes on for wildcat moves and that appears to be it.
  5. JonnyBaws

    JonnyBaws Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2011
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    It should be obvious to him he has no future in NY, isn't he loved in Florida? Miami have their QB.. maybe see him becoming a Jaguar next season, reports suggest that Blaine Gabbert
    is losing the battle to remain there let alone remain the starter, don't think they see Henne being the long term answer either, so why not get the Circus that is Tebow, at the very least, he'll help sell a few more shirts.
  6. Tom_BCFC

    Tom_BCFC Billy Bibbit
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    New England Patriots because my Grandad likes them <laugh>
  7. QPR New York

    QPR New York Active Member

    Feb 6, 2012
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    Well, once upon a time I was a young man and a student at Brunel University. I had a professor who was a Rs supporter and a group of us went to Loftus Road to watch the match against Middlesborough. I never experienced anything like that kind of atmosphere in the States and began to support QPR.
  8. QPR Oslo

    QPR Oslo Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    Broncos! Been a fan since 72 as I lived in Colorado Springs on and off from 72 to 74. They were on the way up then, and looks like they could be again now.
  9. QPR New York

    QPR New York Active Member

    Feb 6, 2012
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    Tebow hasn't been given much of a chance to throw the ball for the Jets. It seems odd that they even traded for him since they won't let him do his thing. The throw sets up the run and vice versa. If all they do is have him run, it is easy to defend that offense.

    His ribs are healed enough so that he will be active for the next game. The question is whether the team will let him play.
  10. Manobear

    Manobear I love cheeseburgers

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Saw your post on the United board, i've stopped by here a few times, and I'm glad someones making an effort to get a small community here. <ok>

    Both parents grew up in the bay area so I've been a Niners fan since I was born.

  11. JonnyBaws

    JonnyBaws Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2011
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    And he's not going to be given a chance either? Don&#8217;t blame the Jets, never bought the Tebow hype, he&#8217;s a guy that got lucky for half a season with the odd play, what people forget to realise is that Denver&#8217;s D was pretty darn good and kept them in games.
    The time they came up against a high powered offense Tebow couldn&#8217;t keep up!

    Do you think the Jets will move away from Sanchez (Tebow going is a given) and look to get a QB in the draft or free agency (Alex Smith could be available?), surely McElroy isn't ready to be given the reigns
  12. DferPolarBear

    DferPolarBear Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    When I was a cub I got into NFL. I bought all the UK base magazines and used to visit the NFL shop at Earl's Court. I stay up and watch the superbowl and would have superbowl parties.

    This is where I get slaughtered. I am a Steelers fan. My reason are varied but I guess I never liked to support the popular teams and back then as far as UK media was concerned there were only two teams, Cowboys and Redskins. You could buy Raiders merchandise as in the UK they sold stuff according to fashion so shirts stocked were usually only Cowboys, Redskins, Raiders, Vikings, Packers, Rams. In other words White/pale blue, red, silver/black, purple, green, yellow/blue, as all the shop were interested in was having a range of colours. Yellow/black I guess isn't a popular high street choice. I decided to investigate the other 'unknown' teams. and discovered other colours! Bucs, Saints, Steelers, Dolphins, Colts, Jets, Seahawks. As a Chelsea fan NY Giants blue appealed to me, also I liked the idea of the Bears of Chicago, but you know they are just the wrong sort of bears, dumb black and brown cousins that get stuck in trees and on Youtube. Then I read that the team with the worst NFL record in history was the Steelers, plus they were in the clearly inferior AFC, and not from fashionable NYC, LA or trendy San Fran suburb. I was sold, sounded like underdogs to me, then of course they went on to smash superbowl records. So I guess it worked out pretty well in the long run despite some long lean years later 80's and 90's, so as we beat Cleveland all was all right in my NFL world. Yes I know, Browns clobbered us last weekend.
  13. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    In fairness, Tebow hype is, for the most part, nothing about his football. It's bizarre how big his cult following is - most of his supporters aren't football fans who love Tebow - they're full on Tebow fans. Normally Christian nuts or Florida fans. From what I hear, half of Denver is still crying because they cut him - I mean, the least they could do was pick up a good QB to replace him, right?
  14. Notts Trent Tiger

    Apr 1, 2011
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    New Orleans Saints fan for 2 reasons, first being i bought Madden pre Brees and was drafted as the Saints QB on Superstar mode secondly.......


    The emotion that night in the Dome was special and something i've loved about the Saints ever since, brings a tear to my eye watching it and seeing Steve now, absolute hero and role model!

  15. I Sorry I Ruined The Party

    I Sorry I Ruined The Party Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2012
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    True, but the Tebow backlash has gone way overbiard biw, He hardly gets to play on the Jets at all, so there's no reason why suddenly everyone should be convinced he is awful. The Jets screwed him over, IMO by trading for him and then never even giving him a chance even though Sanchez has for the most part been pretty bad. And NY being the media circus it is, it seems like every week there's some new controversy where some Bronco or ex-Jet talks about how terrible Tebow is.

    Tim Tebow is a guy I would really like to hate, I'll admit it. But I don't. I do hate most of his fans, but I have no problem with the man himself. In fact he's a much better person than I am. He is deeply personal religious, but so what? He doesn't really throw it in your face. It was his fans and the media that did that. As far as I can tell, all Tebow's religion does for him is lead him to do really nice things like speak to prisoners and do all sorts of charity work and call up people who got injured by drunk drivers. And he's taken his benching about as well as anyone could expect

    All of the criticism centers around three points:

    1) He won a bunch of games despite not being very good.
    2) He's not as good as Peyton Manning.
    3) He doesn't start for the Jets.

    I don't really see how #1 is anything to complain about. If #2 is a problem, then just about every quarterback who ever played has the same issue. And as for #3, well Rex Ryan's judgement or personnel handling isn't the greatest in the world. I mean, PROBABLY Tebow isn't really a very good QB. I think he deserves a chance, but I think we'll find out he's lacking.

    Which makes him a second or third string QB who is also kind of a class act and does a lot for the community and the fans and sells a good deal more tickets and merhandise than your average benchwarmer. Is that really such a bad thing?
  16. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Well there's no doubting he's an appalling quarterback, he can't pass to save his life. But yeah, I agree, he certainly appears to be a very good person so to hate him personally is very ill-advised. I do, however, hate the media circus surrounding him. Can't watch NFL Network without seeing Tebow/Jets news on 80% of the time.

    I think the best thing for him would have been to go to Jacksonville. The people there already love him, and he's not a lot worse than Gabbert and Henne.
  17. pompeymeowth

    pompeymeowth Prepare for trouble x
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Warm Welcomes to BCFC Red, QPR Oslo, Manobear, DferPolarBear and Notts Trent Tiger.

    That makes 24 of us and 15 different teams! Awesome.

    SF are leading the way with 4 fans and New England close behind on 3.
  18. Peter the spastic paedo

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Colts fan for over 20 years, will also follow Broncos as long as Manning is there.

    Tebow is the worst qb ever to have played the game professionally.
  19. abc CissesCurriedGoat abc

    abc CissesCurriedGoat abc Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Hi, Steelers / Newcastle fan here.

    Been following Steelers since around '99 but stopped due to certain factors, and then did again in around 08 and ever since.
  20. pompeymeowth

    pompeymeowth Prepare for trouble x
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Welcome Utter****2 and abc CissesCurriedGoat abc. I will add you both to the scoreboard.

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